Topic: Gargaj Infographic thing updated completed with last 30 days
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Perpetuum Forums → General discussion → Gargaj Infographic thing updated completed with last 30 days
Awesome, was wondering yesterday what had happened.
Yay my idea went through.
Only corps with at least 5 members who have logged in in the last 30 days are shown.
fuu, only have 4 in corp... have to find rontek
We purged 50 inactive members yesterday, I now have an idea of whats actually happening.
people came, saw and left?
Now they are waiting for a reason to come back again?
They can always check back because there is no sub but be at a huge disadvantage to others EP wise ( that may simply keep them away.)
100% foreseeable.
The can mitigate some of this by simply good customer service and feedback.
Have a real roadmap out and goals to hit - keep people interested
Have community feedback were they really do consider things.
Hit some big things and make some noise and bring them back again.
Because soon all the steam feedback will be -saw gamze it suks balls
Sadly there should be enough players here that if they do get that shop going that there is a possibility to keep it really funded till those big ideas to get put out and in conjunction with a steam sale ....... (market strategy)
Great work on the graphic though shows a lot of info.
Well it needs to show dot size based on how many people have logged on in the last 30 days.
So if PHM only has 5 people who logged on this month, but has 300 members, the dot size should be only large enough to represent those 5 not all members.
Well it needs to show dot size based on how many people have logged on in the last 30 days.
So if PHM only has 5 people who logged on this month, but has 300 members, the dot size should be only large enough to represent those 5 not all members.
Completely agree but guessing they don't want active population extrapolated even if just a graphical estimation.
Stranger stop drinking, it does exactly that.
One circle is one corporation, with the size (area) proportional to the number of members. The brightness corresponds to the corporation's age - darker means older. Only corps with at least 5 members who have logged in in the last 30 days are shown.
The size changes with active members. (just like it did with active subscribers).
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