Re: Ok DeV's, it was too much =)
they could easily add 100 more extensions as well now that getting 3-4 mil ep isn't a big deal. Someone asked for ideas but they need to be popular with the majority of players for the devs to really consider it.
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they could easily add 100 more extensions as well now that getting 3-4 mil ep isn't a big deal. Someone asked for ideas but they need to be popular with the majority of players for the devs to really consider it.
Progressing faster will just make player leave sooner
Progressing in the game isn't just about extensions, they only enable you to use stuff that you still have to get somehow. EP gathering so far was just some sort of a delayed unlock-mechanism that you had very little control over, and as such it held no incentive to play. We are not subscription-based anymore, we don't gain anything by locking content behind timewalls.
they could easily add 100 more extensions as well now that getting 3-4 mil ep isn't a big deal. Someone asked for ideas but they need to be popular with the majority of players for the devs to really consider it.
extensions for what?
even more power creep?
you would make it even worse.
just accept that there is a "max level" and that new player can reach it faster then vets before. this gives DEVs more chance to work on sandbox content.
zoom - work on counter afk mining mechanics. getting EP for a scarab mining liquids on alpha is still meh
just activate that roaming observer again, you know, the grand assault ones
Dev Zoom, great job.
I might return when syndicate robots hit. Probably not but maybe.
Celebro wrote:Progressing faster will just make player leave sooner
Progressing in the game isn't just about extensions, they only enable you to use stuff that you still have to get somehow. EP gathering so far was just some sort of a delayed unlock-mechanism that you had very little control over, and as such it held no incentive to play. We are not subscription-based anymore, we don't gain anything by locking content behind timewalls.
All things being equal i say good job Zoom. Adding in content, which allows people to progress instead of waiting. F00k people we cry when they take stuff away and when they do add stuff in you cry about it. Who gives a *** about if newbies have massive ep. Everything said and done its adding stuff to the game hands down.
Celebro wrote:Progressing faster will just make player leave sooner
We are not subscription-based anymore, we don't gain anything by locking content behind timewalls.
That's all well and good to remove timewalls as long as you add at least monthly content to keep players interested.
I don't see this happening with so little resouces A.C has. I couldn't care less if new players can get advantages vet never had in the past, I also see were vets are right now, were getting more EP is pointless so we stop playing.
Dev Zoom, great job.
I might return when syndicate robots hit. Probably not but maybe.
If the population truly is rising again its probably best we both stay away
I wouldn't worry about Ville coming back. Ville is a fan of the game and wants to experience it. It's other people i would worry about.
All what I can say, its just a bit too much EP you can "make".
So lower the amounts.
Ville wrote:Dev Zoom, great job.
I might return when syndicate robots hit. Probably not but maybe.
If the population truly is rising again its probably best we both stay away
But when you two are together the rest of us get to enjoy the fire works Jita
Ville's been asking for this for years. Make a version of a rivler that has specific RR bonuses and bam instant content. Small example of what could be done.
This ^^ +1000 I get what the Ep change is attempting to do but Real playable content is what perpetuum needs badly. So many have asked for years now
Nice change, just LoS spoils everything
AFK scarabs are people too playing.
If not AFK scarabs, then, you know, to write a bot for killing NPCs is not a big deal. For the weak NPC where is no danger. Especially when you don't need this trash loot from them.
The reason we don't have many of those is that there's weren't enough reasons to make and use one.
And this goes pretty much to anything else on Alpha.
And how about another thing to cry about:
Make squad, go to the spawn, make spider tank with some one small module(to get red or yellow aggro), and everyone will recieve rewards for every NPC killed by squad, FULL reward, not divided by members. AFK mining is nothing.
Mining on scarab will take more than a month to get to 3m. Not to mention disconnects, crashes, and depleting of fields.
You gotta be kiding me. Two.Fuggen.Months. I have a life, you know. I'm frustrated...
DIMINISHING RETURNS! Did no one look at the graph on the blog?
dimishing yes, but not vanishing.
the speed doesn't matter, if its no-risk, no effort.
the goal of the patch was to reward playing the game, yet there are still so many holes to exploit that make you gain EP for doing nothing aside from having the game run in the background.
Yes, now the DEVs have to make it having ACTIVE roles in NPC combat for everyone.
and hell no, capstable RSA, RR and ET is not something you do actively.
To bad there are to many crybabies with 10 accounts that complain if their afk buffbots get jammed by an npc.
dimishing yes, but not vanishing.
the speed doesn't matter, if its no-risk, no effort.
the goal of the patch was to reward playing the game, yet there are still so many holes to exploit that make you gain EP for doing nothing aside from having the game run in the background.
Yes, now the DEVs have to make it having ACTIVE roles in NPC combat for everyone.
and hell no, capstable RSA, RR and ET is not something you do actively.
To bad there are to many crybabies with 10 accounts that complain if their afk buffbots get jammed by an npc.
Can be easily fixed through changing the dinimishing returns curve the way that at some point of it will be 0 reward for anything.
But not makint this patch worse that it already is by not only add grinding, but also tell people how they should grind.
Ville wrote:Dev Zoom, great job.
I might return when syndicate robots hit. Probably not but maybe.
If the population truly is rising again its probably best we both stay away
Idk jita, jokes making an interesting argument for some of us to return by hitting blue saps. just saying
Tonnik wrote:Ville wrote:Dev Zoom, great job.
I might return when syndicate robots hit. Probably not but maybe.
If the population truly is rising again its probably best we both stay away
Idk jita, jokes making an interesting argument for some of us to return by hitting blue saps. just saying
What can I say? Gets lonely.
I would say that liquid mining should have a lower chance of the EP bonus, some but much lower than regular ore mining.
The EP bonuses should bias active-play, not afk.
Yes afk is better than offline, but still genuine new players shouldn't fall behind others afk mining in a sequer overnight/day.
Perhaps some questions to consider:
How long is it supposed to take to get to 3 mil? What about 1 mil? How fast is this actually being achieved with afk mining or other exploits?
gen chat averaging 30-40 in all timezones now instead of 0-5, things are holding alright for the time being, though devs would of had a bigger pop gain to get Syndicate robots done for the summer sale.
Also I am fine with the current EP gain tbh. Considering current state of game... who cares if newer players can catch up to veterans, not like most of us care to actively play anymore. Besides it encourages them to try more difficult, challenging, and profitable things if they believe they have the right gear and EP sent in the right areas to do things sooner.
All I am seeing here is veterans worrying about newbros catching up and being able to compete tbh. Although there is the risk that this patch could make the EP upgrade DLCs obsolete due to EP gain... Other then those though I think the current system is fine by me for now.
I am on the fence here.
Honestly I have been in the game for 7 months now, not quite a new person or a vet yet.
Today after playing most of the day and a big part of last 3 days I earned enough EP to get into something bigger finally. I was waiting for something to come along and was going to quit due to boredom, can only run so many level 3 transport missions every single day for so long with 30 or 40 days of logging in left to go up one level.
What I saw after day 3 of the patch was what I was worried about, we had most players bringing out their sequers and scarabs and going off to AFK mine.
Yes new players will see more people in game, for GC chat though not so much.
We did have more people in the GC then 9 people but no one was talking.
You already have 2x stuff on Beta so dinging the rewards on Alpha?? really???
The whole goal is supposed to get new people to play the game.
When I first read the post notes I saw 1 EP per point per mission.
I was sure that meant we would get 2 or 3 EP total up to 6 if it was a long long mission.
I almost quit right then and there, that would not really help me out all that much since I can not play 24/7 and doing the same missions over and over again anyways???
I agree that it might be too much with the handicap?? thing.
But do not make it so you only get 50 points a day total either, that won't accomplish what you want it too either.
What we all really really really really want is more content, things to do, robots to pilot stuff.
This will help in the short term, people are coming back but I think it will not help long term.
Just my 2 cents here.
I do not ask to revert patch totally, but I would have liked a "smoother" approach.
You get too much EP compared to EP Booster. EVerybody using EP-Booster the last 6 month will feel waste of money. This is not good to bring activity back. But the more crititcal point ism that this is not helping in bringing trust back from your veterans
Great point Goffer. I think there is a missed opportunity with the boosters.
Don't forget, Devs, that you need to build value back into your products. DLC's at least come with sparks and credits. But now credits with the current EP-booster are not worth jack.
I recommend that EP boosters should now increase the EP-reward % as well. I'd say drop the base/beginning multiplier to 50 (instead of 100), and the booster should be either 1.5x or even 2x, definitely worth the credits. That way there is something useful to spend credits on, and players (instead of using it for vacation ep-generation) will be online grinding all month to ensure they get the most out of it! Win-win! right?
Oh and robot-paint for credit purchase. That will make credits worth it too.
PS. Why is gamma EP only 1x? Shouldn't it be at least 2x like beta?
Perhaps some questions to consider:
How long is it supposed to take to get to 3 mil? What about 1 mil? How fast is this actually being achieved with afk mining or other exploits?
It's impossible to get a solid answer for that. We have players who casually play an hour every 3 days, and we have hardcore players farming 8 hours a day. The latter gathers EP at least 20 times faster.
The aim of the change was to incentivize EP gathering and make people play. Any rule or limit we'd make to "solve" this punishes people who "play too much".
And yeah, balance wasn't made for the hardcode ones, because they are the minority, so there will be extremities. And we're fine with that.
I recommend that EP boosters should now increase the EP-reward % as well.
We'll consider that.
PS. Why is gamma EP only 1x? Shouldn't it be at least 2x like beta?
Gamma is considered safer than beta.
logicalNegation wrote:PS. Why is gamma EP only 1x? Shouldn't it be at least 2x like beta?
Gamma is considered safer than beta.
Zoom, its ur game, but u you're wrong. Why? Because you do not play the game.
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