Re: Idea: new Alpha Island (Terraformable, able to build structure)

This idea is generally like walking in stations, it sounds great on the forums, and on paper, however it really serves very little purpose.

Were trying to shove POS (EVE highsec Pos) into this game, one that has limited space (EVE has limited moons, but endless "Space").

This idea of customizing your hanger, something that you quite literally just stare at, until you undock to play the game, gets me.
I could careless how it looks, just as long as when I undock to play, that looks good, and feels fluid.
As what we have now in station, looks and feels great.  Its functional, looks good, and is not over bearing. (Talking the look, not the UI)

The Gifter
Top  Killer 2013  - 01: 334 -- 17 -- 317  : Merkle
Top  Killer 2012  - 01: 027 -- 472 -- 445 : Merkle

Scarab Kill Count - 13

27 (edited by Line 2013-05-20 06:00:45)

Re: Idea: new Alpha Island (Terraformable, able to build structure)

Hangar customization could use microtransactions since it's mosty decorative thingie. hangar useful upgrades could be made via syndicate shop - more usage for tokens.

Whats for that other game, we could make factory lines limited per terminal, let it be, says 100 per factory level and 200 per PBS factory type (standart, advanced, high-tech). anyone who want to craft something, should rent the factory line time, same as in EvE. what benefits will be there?

Atm safest thing in the game - it's not even wall-up-and-mine, it's craft-on-alpha-and-keep-it-there. Such system will encourage players to own betas/gammas to get their own factory lines to craft more. Something could be made with storages too.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.