Re: Lag N/A problems

For now the fault/problem isn't clear to solve. Maybe we can now talk about the policy that is been used by the GM's in the game.
If you got lag or go LD the GM's can replace your bot back in the terminals, but only if they can see in the server logs that this has happend. We now clearly proved that this not always happens. So maybe you can change that policy.
I can asume what the DEV's wil say now "Everyone can say that he or she got lag when the bot got blown up". And yes thats true. But in this game getting blown up is very severe punishment because you are gone loose alot. So maybe you need to put some restrictions on it. Not sure what those restriction are but i can think one could be, that you can replace only once a month, if the log isn't showing that you got lag.

Re: Lag N/A problems

I opened up the network profiler.

When I get N/A lag displayed, but before I start rubberbanding, the red and green squares flash as normal.

Then when I start rubberbanding, the red square disappears or begins to flash very slowly. The green one flashes as normal (so long as I am inputting something such as movement).

While the rubberbanding is happening I also notice one of the 0 indicators flicking on and off to 1 repeatedly. It's the one at the far right, FQO or something.

"...playing a game is the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles."
Bernard Suits, 1978

Re: Lag N/A problems

no improvement, still get Lag N/A, in the evenings, when inter-island teleporting sad


Re: Lag N/A problems

I report today with a happy ending.

For the 3rd time, British Telecom sent out an engineer to try and trace an ongoing problem that I had been experiencing since December.

Unlike the previous two engineers, this one, after doing the same checks as the other two, promptly went of to check the telephone exchange that I connect to, and, found a strange fault. Thankfully it only took him a couple hours to find & fix.

As a sideline, my Lag N/A has gone, tho I cannot fully support the probability that the 'fault' was affecting game play as the length of time overlapped, however, I suggest people with a similar situation, especially in the UK, get an engineer out to check the exchange, you never know, it may work.

Regards to the Dev's who tried to help. smile

Re: Lag N/A problems

the sad part about this being that if you live in the US and have say, comcast, you'd get billed $200-300 for every trip after the first one cause they'd just blame your equipment set up as the cause and it would never get fixed smile

Re: Lag N/A problems

I know this is ancedotal, but last night was the worst yet for this issue.

Between 9pm-12 PST my transport account disconnected 5 times while my gathering account only disconnected 2 times. The tranport account also had N/A (10000ms) ping multiple times while the other gathering account stayed steady around 223 ms. The only real difference between the 2 was the transport account was going through the TP and into/out of the outpost continually over those 3 hours.

When the gathering account disconncted, both times the transport account did too. This was an 'instant' disconnect, that is one moment I was driving or emptying the cargo, and the logout screen popped up.

The transport account also crashed once last night.

The key here is the TP's and the outpost. On other nights, when I'm running transport missions, I'll have similar problems with both accounts.

Re: Lag N/A problems

Had it happen to me last night about 8:30 Pm CST. Was out to the East in New Virginia and it happened while I was moving to a scan point. 5 seconds after I noticed that I had the N/A thing I received the death message for when you have no bot. I wasn't able to use any of the functions during the N/A period and I was forced to restart the game client and once I did I regained control. Lost my first assault and gained my first death to this lol guess my bot kept moving straight and ran into a pack of mobs. *sigh* oh well time to redo the tutorial in order to at least get the starter light bot so I can start earning cash for a new bot.  - I hope the specifics of what happened will help in some way.