(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

Uhh...just out of curiosity, what was "8-bit video game music night" like? I keep picturing the rave scene from Blade 1 in my head, but the Super Mario Bros. theme song playing instead lol


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Zhyntil wrote:
Doomviper wrote:
Zhyntil wrote:

The English language is taking a big hit on this thread.........

Um, u do know this game has one server and in this server there are players from many different countries and speak many different languages?   

Don't be so naive.

Oh, i do not have problems with other languages, countries, etc. I often run with speakers of other languages, and never mind it if they are not real good at English, in most cases they know English far better than i know their language, and many know it better than most English speakers.
I was talking about the horrible use of one letter words, blatant misspelling, lack of punctuation, forgetting spaces for several words in a row, and other things from English speakers, Most people that have English as a second language (even if they do not know it well) will not use u, r, ez, etc. for words, will at least try to use spaces between their words. I usually do not bother commenting, but anyone that knows the word pretentious and uses it properly either knows how to spell properly and is misspelling purposely or is just lazy.
Sorry, should have left it alone, their statements speak for themselves.

'Tis the age of internet memes and "leet" speak my friend, I fear there's not much that can be done except to remember that when all other lines of communication fails, it's time to drop a "umadbrah?"!

I need sleep...

Ez nagyon jol hangzik, csak egy problema lenne abba hogy Kanadaba elek es 8-ora ido eltolodas van.