Not just the bottom right corner. More than a few times I've found myself trying to resize a window from the upper left, or the left side. I can resize my OS windows this way, why not in game?

Also, add a "close all" key, or make the escape button close the most recently focused window before bringing up the options menu. I've had as many as 40-50 windows open at a time when making comparisons and such.

Small UI stuff like this can be game changing. Remember what it was like to type in "use torch" before hotkeys were made? Neither do I.

Redline wrote:

Contructable walls can be easily exploited or are useless if there are creation regulations - clientside hitdetection wont happen - serverside is quiet some load. prolly in some years.

There's no possible way that hit detection between two radii is server intensive, considering that if you press L you'll see something more complicated that the server calculates all the time. Hell, your landmark display calculates the distance between multiple things. Just add the two sizes and restrict distance between them to that. Calculations beyond 76 m only need to be once per second anyway, since you can't travel more than 30m/s(108kph) (30+30+8+8=76), which again would decrease server load etc. Don't need to be a coding genius to implement the most basic collision detection.

And while I agree on walls seeming useless, there does need to be a means to bottleneck somewhere. Any castle, any defensible outpost has a means to stem the flow of enemies.

Did nobody watch 300? The basic idea is that there should be choke points, bottlenecks. This has been true throughout history when facing a larger number of opponents. The fix is simple: Hit detection. Default surface hit size should keep bots from crowding in. Interference has been a failure idea since I learned of it. If anything, combined interference should decrease masking and signal detection (WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU, SAY THAT AGAIN?), which is also in dire need of fixing since stealth is about getting within deadly range without detection (even the best fitted ewars can't get closer than 500m of a dopey Argano, let alone someone fitted for detection). There should be buildable walls and choke points. You can already plant stuff and the landscape is tile-based. Bots have a surface radius.

tl;dr Planting walls on tiles + bots that collide + Xerxes = Fun new game mechanic x300