(5 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Is this confirmed?
  my standing is 8%

if u add up all the standing and take off the one -ve ics standing it equals 8.04 thus 8% standing

or u could divide 8.04 by 9 (number of corps) and get  0.893  thus if u dont round up it would also show 8.


(4 replies, posted in Q & A)

anyone?? smile


(4 replies, posted in Q & A)

sorry to confirm, reduce the time it takes to make the CT  or the time the CT will take to build the guns?


(4 replies, posted in Q & A)

I have tried creating a standard light em gun CT through reverse engineering.
I did it at a lvl 1 reverse engineering site (ICS ALPHA) with a certain time for the CT to be made etc and then put the CT into the factory (also lvl 1) which gave me material requirements and time to build etc.

I then went to Galoly as this has a lvl 2 reverse eng line.  I put the same decoder in etc and the time to create the CT was exactly the same AND SO was the outputted CT values??

I`m just not seeing what the benefit that a lvl 2 reverse engineering line is supposed to do.

Is it bugged or am i just missing something?


  new to game and enjoying it.
Looking for a corp to join to learn the game and generally hang out with.  Played alot of eve so its not totally unfamiliar but looks like plenty to learn.

I prefer indy side but want to try out everything at the moment.

I play mostly in Uk evenings  (9pm gmt until 1-2am)
