(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

For now the fault/problem isn't clear to solve. Maybe we can now talk about the policy that is been used by the GM's in the game.
If you got lag or go LD the GM's can replace your bot back in the terminals, but only if they can see in the server logs that this has happend. We now clearly proved that this not always happens. So maybe you can change that policy.
I can asume what the DEV's wil say now "Everyone can say that he or she got lag when the bot got blown up". And yes thats true. But in this game getting blown up is very severe punishment because you are gone loose alot. So maybe you need to put some restrictions on it. Not sure what those restriction are but i can think one could be, that you can replace only once a month, if the log isn't showing that you got lag.


(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Only using one account, got only one.
Using the internet connection only for playing and no-one else can use my network.
I'm using UMTS connection.


(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

I found it as well (forgot to click on the text bar, yes i'm a n00b),
and like Mr. Chips what now?


(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

DEV Gargaj wrote:

Try the following:

1. Open the console (the `/~ key by default, you can reassign it)
2. Enter openprofiler
3. Watch the network tab, there are two blinking lights in the top left. Red one means incoming traffic, green one means outgoing one.

Please report the status of these, and the text ("ACTIVE / GQI...") next to it.

Maybe i'm a N00b but i dont get it.
And it doesnt answer my question or remark. I still want to know why a GM/DEV can just replace a bot which has been killed due lag, due bad connection from whatever side.


(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Thank you for the explanation why the chat continuo and the game stops.
However the GM’s or DEV’s can help me out here to reset the bot back in the stations
but they aren’t doing that. So in fact they are ruining my play/fun time, and that what bothering me more. Yes lag is not funny especially when you are in a big group, even less funny is that your bot got killed due a small bot who you can easily evade/kill if you weren’t lagging.
I hope a GM or DEV can explain me that.


(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

On wed. 13 april 2011 at 18:30 (or so), i was playing with my kain when suddenly the connection goes bad (NA). although I still got the chat and even normal internet. Of course my bot got killed and i immediatly appealed to the GM that was online at that moment. However he couldn't help me because the logs he was checking didn't stated that the lag was the fault of the server.
Not sure who's fault it was because I got still the chat end internet connection, but the GM was just following rules. however I still got no Kain anymore and that frustated me alot, I asked the gm where to complain and "tadaa" here i'm.
My question or remark is, why does it matter what kind of lag it is, its ruin my play/fun, because i lost a lot of day's collecting money and stuff.