(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Great job on the patch Devs, It's nice to see you guys really pay attention and listen to the community!


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm curious about these rare roaming spawns that were added with the patch. Has anyone sighted/destroyed one yet? It would be nice to get some info on them so if you've seen one please post here with the bot type, lock range etc.

I'll start:

Thelodica Grand Observer
Lock range: 230m
Bot: Baphomet
Average of 62 DMG per volley on my Tyrannos; Target jams

Also, I'm wondering if these spawns drop special loot, maybe tiered items?


(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Just joined recently, already enjoying the corporation. A really great group of players!