I'm sure there's some balance to be considered, eg an exclusion zone around teleporters or outposts  for instance.

A module that allows a player to deploy disposable sensor pods.

Pods could provide radar coverage (1000m?) around the beacon to the owner and his squad mates.

Players will be able to attack sensors much like interference emitters.
Sensors could have negligible health and last for say 1 hour.

Additional points in the extension could improve sensor range and number of pods deployable at a time.

Perhaps a sound could be played if the pod detects a new player or is attacked.

This would save many sentries the hassle of sitting on teleporters for hours on end, thus making beta islands more interesting for all involved.

What do you guys think?

Yeah I'm also a kiwi and have some issues with lag in this game.

Was on my way to a  50 person clash today, was unable to make it to the fight due to all the rubberbanding and n/a ping. Taking 15 minutes to go 500m isn't fun.

At this point it looks like the end game is just inaccessable to me.