(2 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Will do. big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Team [M]achine is a 10 year old gaming group that has spanned FPS games to MMO's.

The Perpetuum Division follows the same credo that has made the overall group a lasting success:

-Only mature players are allowed membership.
-It is difficult to join by design. Many will apply, few will enter. The reasons why only become apparent to members once they have been brought aboard.
-Prospects are allowed to interact with the team so both sides can evaluate if this is what they are looking for. We are NOT the right thing for everyone.
- Every member has their stake in the team, and their own voice.New members are brought into the team by majority vote, and we make decisions as a group.
-Team [M]achine chooses new members slowly and carefully, based on time honored criteria.
-Team [M]achine knows that being the most competitive team on the field, and the most fun group of guys to play with, is a delicate balance. It is never easy to maintain, and all members take ownership in enforcing the standards and traditions of Team [M]achine.

Team [M]achine, built to last.

We are currently recruiting PVP Combat characters, miners and industrialists. Our current home base is ICS Alpha in Attalica.

Good luck, and Welcome to the [M]achine!