Thanks Neoxx for your answer! I actually already spent my EP's in the combat spec path and have just enough Ep's so i can delete my characters (3 actually) and make the reset. I was farming some kernels and made a pretty good money from it as i had 58 "rookie light robot kernels" in 30 minutes. Depends on the market but the most of the time you can sell it for 8000 NIC which is pretty good. But as i said at the beginning, i don't feel this path is the one i want to continue because i don't feel that usefull for the community and want to make stuff.

Awesome reply Shanoo! This is very helpful for me and makes things really clear as what i can choose and which way.

Thanks for your advice, it's really helpful!


It is entirely possible to be a combat + research/prototyper combination

What i meant is that let's say that i want to reset my account and make a full industrial character. Is a researcher/prototyper/manufacturer a viable choice? Can i go search for kernels myself? (i'm not saying that i want to farm lvl 3+ kernels as i'm not going to be a combat character).

I've used the famous perpetuum planner, here's what i did. What do you think?

Edit : i did some changes to the build that i hope are viable.


Ok thanks a lot for your advises!

One last question. Let's say i want to spec in researcher/prototyper (i think it's wiser to spec in maximum two "roles" which in some way have similar extensions) and i decide to farm myself kernel to improve my researcher ability. Is this possible?

As i'm going to make prototypes (let's say i produce ammo) do i need to improve my manufacturing skill also? or is it better to be a reverser/manufacterer and search for kernels later (when i'll have enough money)?

Thanks in advance!

Ok, than i guess that there are players who have two accounts and specialise in reverse/manufacturing in 1st account and researche/prototyping in the second. I don't think that you can do all 4 at the same time on the same account?

Let's say i continue with my combat spec character, what are my possibilities?

Which role is the more appropriate for someone who's playing with one account only?

Thanks for your time Artem.

Yeah, i've completly read the "gerrick's guide to industry" and that's mainly why i was interested in reverse engeneering and manufacturing (as he explains that those two specialisations are both good to invest in extensions as they have similarities).

But after i was searching in the extensions and functionalities i found that i need to invest in research so i can manufacture something. so all in all even if you want to spec in reverse engeneering and manufacturing do you need to spec also in researche, finances? Can those players go out and kill mobs even if they aren't specialised in it.

I know that a player who is 2 years in the game can specialise in more roles anyway but even if he does he has to choose wisely.

Hello all,

I'm a fresh new player in this awesome mmorpg which is perpetuum. I really like the game and the number of ways you can play it, but this comes to my major problem.

I already started playing as a combat speced character but somehow i don't feel this fits to how i want to play the game. I really like the economy part of the game and i have read all the topics related on idustry. As it has a lot of possibilities i'm kinda lost.

I was pretty interested on reverse engeneering and manufacturing but as i was looking at these specialities in depth i found that i need to improve "Inventions" so i can manufacture more stuff (which means buying or farming kernels and improve extensions too). Than comes the selling part (Finances), which actually needs to be improved as well. So it's kinda hard to choose the extensions.

Mining seems to be interesting too because it's easier to choose the extensions and it's a pretty good money maker in the game. In some way it joins the same "passive" gameplay as a player who's speced in manufacturing. ( a lot of players told me that this is more of an afk specialities which is mainly used by people having 2 accounts. )

I'm lost because sometimes you just want to get out and kill some stuff and sometimes you want to focus on producing. I know that some people are going to tell me that i can create just another account and do both but i can't do that.

I know that for some people i can seem very difficult in my choices but i just hope that there are some other people that can understand it and can give me some explications or advises about different specialities.

Thank you very much people!