Arga wrote:

I'm not in game, is it a % or straight value?

-15% @ T4

Unsure if its a unique module, probably not.


For me its mainly the squad menu being in there, as it doesn't seem to stay there when you restart the client.

I'd recommend moving that, and maybe the intrusion UI out of that grouping.

Some more ideas that i have heard before:

  • Container colour to indicate loot rights and status:

    • Green - Your/Squad rights, Unopened

    • Blue - Your/Squad rights, Opened

    • Red - Someone else's rights, Unopened

    • Yellow or Orange - Someone else's rights, Opened

  • Opening a PVP loot container should flag you for PVP, or at least give you a 1/4 or 1/2 flag. (Should give a warning similar to turning your PVP flag on from the robot info UI)(Not UI Related but i'd like to mention it anyway.)

  • Some sort of LoS indicator, i'm kinda sick of thinking i have LoS on something, only for my weapon to fire into the side of a hill, etc.

Some of these are small features as well, but they might as well go here.

  • Change the target marker to also give a big indicator for the squad using the module (giant arrow or something), (Could have it force the squad to secondary target this person if they can but that may be a bit too powerful)

  • Remotely placing waypoints + radius of objective, much like how assignments look, and an easy way to relay this to all squad mates, (anyone who has played rift should know of the waypoint feature, something somewhat like that)

  • Show Squad Accumulator capacity (Been suggested before somewhere)

  • Shield Hue/Visual change based off percentage of remaining accumulator (one of the big advantages of shields currently is that there is no way for an enemy to tell if they are anywhere near breaking it)

  • Abilty to have multiple squad sub-leaders that could invite people to the squad, maybe in addition to sub-groups and some sort of squad ranking system.

Kinda off topic in regard to UI changes, but related to my last idea - would be nice if in terms of subgroups, if we could have a way to manage more that 3 nexus's between them, for example having Ewar nexus only affecting an Ewar subgroup, Assault/Crit nexus only affecting a Combat subgroup, and Repair Nexus only affecting a Support subgroup, though i haven't fully thought out how it would be implimented, or if something like this would be considered "overpowered".


(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm currently using these which i made a while ago.

But made some faction based ones after seeing this thread.