Chief Ubenor wrote:

I'll try to get in touch with mentioned officers for an interview.

Sent you a mail in-game.  Thanks for your interest.

Still recruiting mature, team-oriented players looking for a smack talk free environment.


(2 replies, posted in Q & A)

Is it allowed to sell time codes for NIC?  Without getting into my reasons, I won't use the PayPal service.  I had to have a friend buy me early access codes using his Paypal account. 

The best solution would, of course, be a Paypal alternative.  If that is not possible, is it allowed to trade someone NIC in exchange for a code to extend my subscription?

We are currently recruiting on an invite-only basis, except for members of TOG.  We are a TOG-friendly (but not TOG-exclusive) corp  and will accept any member of The Older Gamers upon confirming their forum name and status. 

Mortormis is a small but growing group of mature team oriented players (40 strong at present), mostly hailing from Eve Online.  We believe in respecting other players, approaching the game with a relaxed attitude, working together to better the corp (and thus every individual), and having fun.  We don't tolerate abusive smack talk or griefing and generally abide by rules of fair(ish) play.   We have a forum on our own domain and a dedicated Ventrilo server used for group ops.  We're mostly US EST players (with some Aussies thrown in for good mix), but we're looking for an around the clock presence in the game. 

Our short-term goals in the game are to continue prototyping and developing a solid industrial base while conducting some forays onto beta islands for PVP experience.  After establishing a solid supply chain and growing the corp, we plan on moving those interested in PVP to a beta island and trying to establish a base of operations. 

Thank you for your time. 

For more information, please visit