
Sounds a bit familiar.

The plant cycle count change cost P an account. I have a specilized harvestor, that account will expire. Harvesting is now less fun than a root canal. I know, have had eight. sad

I will maintain my combat account for now. I will collect and distribute my EP. I may even occasionally leave the terminal and do something.

For those poo pooing Rift, did you play any of the beta? It is the best of that genre that I have played. I have played alot of them, including WOW. Rift is fun, engaging and addictive.

Now to the topic. When I started playing P, I was not expecting Eve in robots. I was expecting something better. Rougher yes, Eve was much rougher in its youth, but better. The developers appear they have played Eve. So I assumed that they would have looked at CCPs long history of expansions and mistakes and learn from them. It does not appear that they have.

It is great to have a niche game. But you need to attract enough people to pay the bills and grow. Carebears are the key to financial success. I believe over 80% of CCPs income comes from carebear accounts (those that live almost exclusively in hisec). PVE combat content, interesting resource collection, profitable industry and the ability to play happily without unwanted PVP combat are all things that make the carebear heart happy.

Did the Devs roll their own graphics engine for P, or is it a commercial product?

If they rolled their own it could be a while. CCP spent significant time and money to redo theirs. Took a couple of years.