(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

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(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

CYBERDINE INC is a new Corp formed by a group of ex-EVE members looking for a new challenge.  It's early days for us right now and our focus is to create a core management team committed to driving CYBER to become a substantial corporation based on maturity, integrity and trust.

We are currently developing our short and medium term goals as we get to grips with Perpetuum so any new members will be key to that development phase, implementation and on-going improvements.  CYBER will only recruit 'mature' gamers (we are mostly 30+) and expect members to use Team Speak.  Our forums are now up and will be developed over the coming weeks.

Our focus initially will be to build the infrastructure (healthy wallet, strong industry etc..), team-work and culture.  We have a good balance of EU and US (about 50/50) members already.  We do not RP although there will be a ranking system introduced as we develop the corp.

Please note, the under-pinning theme is to create an environment where people can play the game with grown-ups and enjoy mature conversation - no drama, no flaming, no childish antics or irritating individuals.  It will not appeal to everyone so please be prepared to be asked to drop on to TS before joining.

If you are interested in joining then please drop a PM to any CYBERDINE member to arrange a TS chat before anyCorp application will be accepted/approved.  Alternatively, visit in-game chat channel CYBERD and/or register on our forums at http://cyberdine-inc.org