(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

There's one more this thread suitable thing. When I am at the terminal and there's beautiful hologram of my activated robot and the terminal itself, I get sweet 200 fps. But when I am about to do some assignment or spend some EP, open Assignments window or Agent profile, the fps drops to about 20... Do those letters in Assignments' names eat 180 fps? are ''letters'' typed in some superb extra details? c'mon it's just letter, can't really get this.. Even market window is alright, while there are at least images of goods. It's really annoying, because it takes much more time to accept those assignments and go complete them..


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

when I come to for instance Dari Shoto Station and then head for the Dari Outpost, on my way I get even around 100 fps, because there are NO buildings


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hello, at first I want to say that I really like buildings in Perpetuum, they look cool...but...but they actually eat fps as though fps is a sweet sorbet. So it would be nice to have an option like ''Low Robot Details'' but for buildings. To tell you the truth some optimization is required imo. Sometimes I deploy on the terrain from a terminal and I have like 50+ fps, but 2 minutes before that, before I entered the terminal, it was like <30... Although there weren't more ppl around or something, everything was the same, but the difference is like 20+ fps..