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Union Of Soviet Socialistic Mahtisoturit
About Mahtisoturit

Mahtisoturit is a Finnish gaming community mainly focused on MMO's. Mahtisoturit was formed in Darkfall and most of our old members are from that era. Our community consists of around 200 members, though only around 25% can be called active. At the moment we're only playing Mortal Online and Perpetuum (as a guild/corp/clan).

Mahtisoturit in Perpetuum

We were going to start as a really small industrial/pvp corporation, but then got surprisingly big ammount of members to subscribe. So, at the moment we have around 20 people in our corporation. The main attraction for most of our members in any MMO is PVP and that's what we want from new members. The Union Of Soviet Sosialistic Mahtisoturit will offer any member the benefits of industrialized sosialistic republic corporation. Meaning, that we'll support you with gear and ammo and you'll bring us your loots and goods.

We're looking for Finnish Perpetuum players who are interested in either PVP, Industry or both. At the moment we have few "experienced" crafters and others who played in the CBT.

Requirements for applicants

We require that the applicant speaks fluent Finnish and is over 18 years old. You'll have to write an open application to our forums, which will be evaluated. If your application is approved you'll have 1-2 week recruitment period. When the recruitment period is over, your activity and suitability will be evaluated by our leaders/officers.

We don't have any requirements for the writen application, but it will be evaluated with pass/fail criteria. You
can write about anything. So write down everything that you think will make your application to stand out and impress us.

Contact info

IRC: #mahtisoturit @ (or pm. dzyan, muffinssi)
MUMBLE: pm dzyan or muffinssi