Olá Jelan,

Procure pelo Blade Wancer
ou por CodeBreakerBR no jogo,

Ou então entre o servidor de ts

Estou de férias estes dias, mas em breve retornarei.


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

Another crash. My friend and I couldn't connect (and lost loots on can again)


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

Two mates and I cant login at Attalica ATM. They really need to upgrade servers before steam.

obs.: and I lost a 80 u can :-(


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, DEV Zoom.

My friend created a beta account last month, but he used redeem code that I gave on 04/04. His IGN is Blade Wancer.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have a similar problem. When I learned that game would become a free to play, I created one account and bought 3 months of game on 04/01... Today (04/04) I bought 2 licenses to give to my friends (and to support the game). I got only 20k EP .... My friend thats used redeem code after changes got about 45k EP. It doesn't sound fair.