(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Would be nice to have that sub-forum back again...I mean the worst that could happen is it does not get flooded with use and content...but if it brings content to just a few players...seems like a great start to me.


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Sometimes a person makes a suggestion, just because they think it might be content for players, old and new.  It may just be one small thing to enhance gameplay, and attract attention. Constructive comments, ideas, suggestions...maybe thats what Perpetuum needs to get out of the slump it is in.  The incessant need to troll, flame, bait, antagonize, or otherwise just be a general pain in the ***..within this community, is one I simply do not understand.
Not every post needs to be politics, a flame war, or an opportunity to brandish E-peen.

I think Perpetum is multifaceted, and has so many possibilities, if it can just peel off the stain of the one thing that should be helping it.  Its community.


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

You linked the general forums.  I was speaking of something more specific. I assumed it was self-explanitory but I can clarify more for you if you need.

Roleplay / In-Character Forum, please?

I'm currently in a voice call with 3 people I game with in other games...I'd love to invite them to come check out Perpetuum...but I've been told there is no recruit-a-friend program anymore?

I suggest one is initiated.

http://community.eveonline.com/news/dev … s-inbound/

"The overarching reason for this is that the current ease of movement has shrunk the practical dimensions of New Eden considerably, to the detriment of the game experience."

There's the rub.

Tonnik wrote:

It doesn't help when you deliberately prevent it from growing by locking all stations and base capping all gammas.

Your alliance has set out to deny two thirds of the games content to new people.

This is a symptom, not a cause.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

Hunter wrote:
xara wrote:

Thats what bug trackers are for...and I'm pretty sure they have one.  Now this can be added to it.  Squeeky wheel gets the grease.

Yeah yeah smile


http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/ … 4ousz9.jpg


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

Hunter wrote:
xara wrote:

Does not need to be any more easy mode.  A bugs a bug, even if it benefits me.

Main point not in the benefit... Problem in the DeV's time. They haven't it to solve such little things.

Thats what bug trackers are for...and I'm pretty sure they have one.  Now this can be added to it.  Squeeky wheel gets the grease.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Definitely a bug smile

Alright..well..was doing Assignments out of Truhold-Markson Alpha.  Tier 2 Assignments.  Was the "Trap! Watch out for enemies" phase.

Not sure what other info ya might need.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

Hunter wrote:

TBH: this is a global bug. Robots not always dies after blowing up (and many ppl know that).

My advice: Don't share this bug to DeV's... roll

Does not need to be any more easy mode.  A bugs a bug, even if it benefits me.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

The station screen was all black..didnt look right either.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs)

I was running a PvE assignment..and got my bot blown up.
Waspish Mk II, T4 fitted...

I respawned in the terminal, with the same bot..and all my gear...

Is this working as intended?


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

There wasnt a noob island when I started sad And..I've scanned an artifact or many over the years.  Believe it or not..it simply didnt work the first two missions.


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

Thanks for the info...but I just used the same exact equipment..the same exact way...and it worked the third time.

I asked for help in game, and was told by two others they had the same issue, and had to drop the mission and redo it.


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

I guess thats working as intended?  Thanks everyone for the input smile


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

Third time..same mission...same method...mobs spawned right away.  Same location.


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

Annihilator wrote:

oh, and btw... perhaps zoom will agree that the geoscanner accuracy mechanic is not in favor of "not frustrating new player"

Add that text to the Assignment data.

Its all fine if it takes higher skill to complete the Assignment, if that is indeed the case.  But it does not say as much.


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

Ive never leveled up any scanning on this toon, so its at default level, which seems appropriate for low level missions...


I am using the charges I am able to equip.


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

xara wrote:

I also used the scan tool..to pinpoint the location...stood on it, and scanned.  I should have screenshotted the beams of light forest I created....


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

I also used the scan tool..to pinpoint the location...stood on it, and scanned.  I should have screenshotted the beams of light forest I created....


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

I dotted the landscape in the red circle..56 times.
Perhaps its skill related..I dont know.  I followed the instructions in the assignment.


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

Another player was able to roll right up..in the same location and complete the scan.  I've spent 56 charges in the area.  I dropped that mission..ended up getting the same one again, and tried it again...still didnt spawn the NPCs.


(20 replies, posted in Bugs)

Belvedere II Retrieval mission.

Mission Text:
Please find and scan a possible intruder for us. First, you'll have to fetch the scanner parameters by using an interface to know what you're looking for. After you've done it, you will be able to find the spy with your equipped geoscanner and artifact scanner charges. If you find the spy squad, eliminate them and bring back everyhing you find.

Unfortunately, the mission spawns the location just enough out of reach on a terrain slope...that I cannot get the mission to update when I scan.  I cannot complete, and will lose my mission bonus if I abort.
