Lobo wrote:


Enough said lol


(10 replies, posted in Balancing)

Celebro you are right on, its all about cake big_smile


(10 replies, posted in Balancing)

I'm a green pilot for the most part, and that even sounds broken to me.  It's kinda like having your cake and eating it too.  Although I'm sure most green pilots have thought some of the same or similar things, but im pretty sure that would just make missles OP.  I think they need adjusting but whatever that is I'm just gonna leave that up to the devs but dont take it to extremes where they need to out range everything, do more damage then everything have some sort of crazy impact damage, oh and have higher velocity so they reach the target faster, i just feel that all of that combined isn't balancing.  It's breaking something.  Broke ain't good.


(2 replies, posted in Open discussion)

I have probably manipulated you in some way.  That is all thank you.