Jita wrote:

Make the game FTP with the following conditions:

unsubbed accounts:

Can only pilot upto mech
Do not gain ep
Can only go to alpha and beta, not gamma
Can only do missions upto level 4
Can not prototype nor manufacture anything
Cannot use remote nor gang modules
Have a visual indicator to show they are unsubbed

change it so they do make EP but do not get the 20K start bonus till they sub only make EP for the first 2 weeks then nothing. 

Maybe give them 5K or so starting bonus.

Arga wrote:

I 2.0 is not an 'alarm clock' intrusion system. I 1.0 was, where the intrusions happened every 3 days, and you had to defend each one or lose the outpost. However, there really was no penalty for losing the outpost since you couldn't get locked out or prevent your enemies from docking. A strong alliance would prevent the intruder from actually using the Island, and then drive them out at the next Intrusion that fell in the proper time zone. It took a couple of months for corps/alliances to figure that out, at which point the large intrusion battles and alarm clocking basically stopped.

Currently, the issue with intrusions is simply that corporations strong enough to take and keep an outpost, already have one (or more). While there's incetive to attack other corps SAP's to generate PVP, actually reducing the outpost to 0 and then defending it up to 50% to lock them out is tedious; with no actual reward other than having one more set of SAP's to defend.

Any change of outpost retention mechanics will have similar issues, defending will always be boring.

The paradigm shift here will be with the introduction of the Gamma outposts. What really needs to change however, is the 'why' of owning an outpost and not the 'how', especially one that is destructable.

If gamma weren't being released, I would support some kind of change to both the "how" and the "why" for beta outposts, but really the focus of PVP will shift to gamma, especially for attackers because even with the little we know now, there are incetives to attack; destruction of property and possibly main terminal loot.

The issues brought up with gamma so far, at least by me, focus on the fact that you can't alarm-clock defend if there are not timer based defense mechanisms. And while not having alarm-clock defense sounds great, without timers you end up with a 24/7 Call To Arms type defense.

tl-dr; Gamma is going to drastically change PVP, how players use the current beta outposts will change, so suggestions to modify beta now could be totally irrelevant after the expansion.

So maybe my idea would be better suited for gamma islands then beta ?

What if the as the attackers you had construct a Massive Bomb that would destroy the outpost if it was not destroyed or turned off in a "X" time period by the defending corp.  say like 24 hours or so could not ninja it at night or some random time.

If the bomb is destroyed or defused then defenders keep the outpost.

If goes off then you have to rebuild the outpost by bring supplies from the SAP locations.  First Corp bring the outpost 100% gets it.

a lot I left open but I think this would get action started over outpost.

How about have Islands that are Light bot only, or Mech etc.  That way you know going on that island your only going to find "X" style of bot.  Does not stop the blob vs 3, but at least in terms of bots you know your only going to run into one type.  Then have some sort of King of Hill or SAP going so loot could be generated to get people fighting and caring for these islands.


(8 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

I came into the game from the web site Rock paper shogun.  So right now I am in STC, but they are very new to game like me.  Added to fact a lot of what they do is at completely wrong TZ for me.  I was looking for a corp with a few more US TZ players to do things with.  I used a alt so do not thrown out of STC.  or I could be SPAI, and all your base are belong to us if let me in.


(8 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

lol would be true if did not only have 17 days on account and million and one questions.  Just looking for a corp with more US TZ people.  signed on for 30 days but going it alone kind of slow and boring to kepp logging in.

I really enjoy the game so far, but the current corp I am in does ops at a time when I am still at work.

New to game but looking for a Corp with few US players.  Right  now in a corp with mostly euro player so i am  not on when they do PvP.

I am currently in a green bot.  PvP focused.  As right now farming Kernals(for the corp) and missions to get some cash flowing.