(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

merch y fuuu


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

tanks a lot for your complete answer smile


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

not possible to edit post ? tongue

seems the mining part could provide easy and fast way to earn money, maybe faster than in EVE with less risk

will see in few days what's going on, the game is good and seems for people with lots of time to spent in order to get involved in alliances and "agents kills stats" but i am not sure about casual players and people looking for some sort of adventure / discover


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)


Started this game yesterday, after spending severals years on eve online and AOC

I came here most only for the "mech" part, hard to get a cute mech game with less that 20 years and worse a MMO.

- Graphic : i enjoyed the screenshots, the buildings and effects are very great but i am disapointed by the "mechs", if i zoom a little they appear like very bad low level quality, i were expecting sames that the background of forum here... also the style is more like the aliens in District 9 than Mechs, last they look a little "small" i was expecting something far bigger for end game mechs...
- XP part : i dont really love the idea to have to wait several months for XP instead of earning it with fights or rewards but i could live with that anyway... if i dont pay and come back several months later will i have still earned some or its "frozen account" system ?
- world : seem limited, hard to move with area not accessibles, worse is the lack of automatic pilot, so i am ok to click myself again an again to move for hours... but so many things block the way without showing if i will just be blocked and have to go back all the way to turn... seems some sort of nightmare to move in this game, even with navigation 7 and light structure help
- npc / mining zones : respawn seem fast, to avoid to have someone just taking the npc / stuff you was waiting for, maybe too much because they respawn often faster than i kill them... Mining i still not sure where i should go for things that cost more, is it random ? or did all good stuffs to mine are middle of boring PVP guys and elite NPC ?
- Solo : From all i read here, seems now i will not have a long solo content, i understand game / life is better with friends, but this game ask for Money AND time AND the game itself need more time for strong content ? what i totaly missed in EVE was the possibility to put hand on wonderfull things to search and discover, new places, new items that will not just drop for EVERY by alliance / biggest player, is it possible here of did the game have same limits that eve ?

I love the "global" form of perpetuum but i am really afraid after so many mmo / games to just have a new one with mechs, but hard lack of space to explore / special contect outside of alliance works