(3 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Yes it does...

The trick is not making the pond so small there isn't enough water for the big fish to survive.  If me fish doesn't then  the pond consists of the dead body of the one that made the pond smaller in the first place.  So really its dumb for the fish to try and be so big when in the end he kills himself off because of it. 

think I saw something bout it on animal planet.

Wild noralgis on beta's sounds like a good idea actually.  Make the plants only go up to like 30 or so and is very random.  Have it so that it doesn't grow like helio or triandlus maybe a somewhat rare single plant in a spot versus several like the other plants.

Why wouldn't you beta outposts owners like that idea?  If anything it would bring people more to beta and therefore give you more to shoot at...


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Gave me a little giggle when I read this posts and then went down to recruiting forum and found this topic.

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … noobswarm/

Cmon gotta admit that's funny lol

Barbie girl keeps my motor runnin on beta.  I jam out to it and pretend my yagel is a corvette convertible!  You know me so well.    BUMPin all the time

hostile self mutilatin bump! It hurts so goood