Hello Interested Player,

-TDI-, has opened the doors for recruiting. A few things to be aware of prior to continuing the reading of this post.

1) Both myself and my XO are new to this game, we are both vets to EVE though and have experience in running a corporation and prospective ops.
2) My XO is EUTZ and I am USTZ (East Coast), so all TZ's are welcome.
3) The start off will be slow as we work through details. Mostly alpha island activity (PVE) until a proper grasp is gained of the game and skills to support beta island activity.
4) We are open to all players: newbies, vets willing to help, indys, combat, trader, whatever you are/do as long as you are friendly and log in at least once a week, you are welcome.
5) When we have more players, I will rent out a corp storage unit. Current tax rate is 10%

::::::::::::::Corporation Details::::::::::::

We currently have no objective, until we figure out how we want to proceed. Discussions as of now have covered production and future pvp runs. We are still open to discussion, obviously. I am currently running a main in trading so we turn a decent profit atm. (I wager from what I have seen so far) I will likely be starting an indy alt as well. The XO is running a combat main, currently no alt.

If you are interested, you can either post here and I will mail you in game, or the preferable method would be to send me a mail in game to start with since I do not check the forums that often. Please do not convo me directly.