(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

the mark 2's are not t2's then what are they t1+'s?

they are a superior bot by 1% bonus to damage ( for the assults) they have two additional slots on them but they are not a T2 bot.

that argument is rediculas, it is just for epeen purposes that is rediculas. it is just so you can broaden your fits out again that makes no sense yea I can fit more stuff but it is inferior.

this bot costs 10x the prices of a normal one and I gotta fit the worst crap I can just to fill the holes...

that is like buying a Camero and asking for the chevette engine in it just because you want the look. You buy a better bot so you can be better in the field. not so you can wedge less potent stuff onto it and have a shiney paint job.


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

thank you for your links, however all I saw there were agents trolling back and forth not a post by a GM or DEV regarding the issue.


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

1. I believe that any MK2 bot should have a 5 - 10% cpu nd reactor increase over the MK1 model, each of hte mk's twos ( at least the combat ones I have seen) have 2 extra slots to fill on the same CPU. it makes sense in my mind that if they are increaseing the ammount of items the bot can carry that the bot itself should have a SMALL bump in each area to help with said fit.

2. the alternitive to my above idea would be 2 new extensions something like " Advanced Data processing" and Advanced Reactor expansion. each of these skills could have a 1-2% increase in general just to help fill in the holes.

I did the math, and planned the fit I prefer. with all of my opti skills maxed and my data processing maxed I will have one low slot free, and be 30 cpu short ( or there abouts) to fit it. ( this is on the MK2 of course). I know I will hear a lot of people saying things like " change the fit to bleh and you will be fine" and so be it however I believe either or both of my idea's deserve a fair discussion of the pro's and cons in each.

Thank you
Doctor, Jon Zoidberg.