(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

As the game stabilizes and the player base grows, it will more easily be able to deal with the occasional exploitation issues.

I understand the issues of possible exploitation, I ve been playing MMOs since UO in 2000
Problem is this restriction will prevent people to actually have a real taste of the game.
The impression Perpetuum will leave to Trial players is of a grindy game where it takes forever to achieve anything.

My suggestion will put only an extra 500K on the market per Trial Account, it doesn't seems too much to affect the Economy neither enough for people to bother with a possible exploitation of the System

OK I am off to buy my first Argano for 120K NIC.....instead of 367K NIC of the Trial price big_smile


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi there, first of all I have to say that the game look promising, certainly it is a good option for all EVE players, but it could be a good option for people who never played EVE either.
In short Perpetuum looks like it has a good potential to be a good Sandbox MMORPG.
I say it looks like, because I cannot be sure, and that's because the trial doesn't allow full use of the major Sandbox tool which is the Market Place.
I understand that there are major worries about the exploitation of the Trial, but certainly there must be a better solution than completely disable player created orders.
I wouldn't be surprised if people won't stick with the game in its current state (The Trial Version)
For Example there is a nice Yagel on sale in my Station at 160K NIC, but I am only allowed to buy the one from the NPC vendor at 400K
It will take me 1 week of Mission rewards to get that kind of money and trying to kill stuff with an Arkhe is incredibly tedious, I can tell you that.

I have a couple of suggestions to address this issue:
1) Keep disabled all Money Transfer and direct player trade
It is not necessary to enjoy the game as a Rookie, but it will avoid money transactions between a Mule and the Main Account.

2) Create a Piggy Bank with an accessible limit of 500K NIC, a limit which allows the player to buy the low level equipment, but not enough to inflate the market economy (I noticed it is fairly easy to get to 500K).
All the NIC which exceed the 500K will be stored in a special Piggy Bank and unlocked once the player subscribes

3) Allow player to buy and place an order on the Market except for Raw Materials which are the only items a rookie can exploit in its Trial period.
Even better allow a maximun amount of Raw Materials that can be sold in a day, possibly quantified in units not in NIC to avoid Main Accounts buying huge quantities of materials from the Mule for a pathetic low price
Example: Titan Ore 250K per day at 0.56 NIC (average price) will get to the player 120K NIC a day equal to 1800K NIK in his 15 day trial
Of course as for point 2 only 500K of those will be spendable the rest will be stored in the Piggy Bank

Point 1 is already implemented, Point 2 it's fairly easy to implement, Point 3 is the most challenging to implement on a programming point of view, it will require few hours of hard work, but I believe it will be worth it.
I can tell you that if you leave it like this Trial players won't stick with this game.

My suggestion will be a good compromise, because it will give Trial Players the chance of fully experience the game and it will avoid possible exploitations from current players or Gold Sellers.

Having said that, I will buy the game because I generally buy any MMORPG which looks decent and Perpetuum looks decent enough for me.
But do not expect people breaking their bank to pay for this game if the state of the Trial remains as it is.
Overall a good job Avatar Creations