seth & Kain sold

Hi Selling the follwoing Mk2

25% ones

Argano x2

50% Ones

Lithus x2

75% ones


Please mail offers, a decent price will probably get the item... All items are (or will be) in ICS Alpha.


I dont entertain private convo's as im often AFK, if you mail me please make sure you send an offer price fr the CT, not a "how much for XYZ" many thanks..

Would it be possible to have the training missions/noob mission selective.

I would of liked (or would like) an option to do industrial 'training' missions whereby the end product will be a arkhe mk2 these mission would be a once only run.

These would work as follows


Starts with you learning how to scan (as it does at moment in game)
Then you mine the base minerals that would be required, and gather the mats for the CT to be made (1 run etc)
You then make the arkhe mk2

This way newer players who want to be industry (or dont want to be combat) can learn the intracacies {sp} of construction in this game.

When you start the game, depending on your character build your training mission would be linked into your build.. IE combat > combat training, Industry >industrial training

Thats really it smile

feel free to flame/query etc.. smile

