Hi, I am posting this understanding from the start that I'm new to the game and there's lots to learn.  No, I am not from Eve online.  My game experience is primarily DAOC and WOW, so this is a completely new thing for me.  I love Mech games though, played just about every one that's ever been released.  So I want this to succeed.  Here though are my impressions:

a) I understand skills are important but in the extensions game I feel a bit overwhelmed.  Some of the skill extensions demand secondary qualifications like "Tactics" or "Heavy Industry" but there's nowhere to train for those.  Frustrating, yet I know there's something I'm missing here so more to learn. :/

b) Missions.  Wow.  When I take a mining mission and go to the area bots have already cleared it out.  Titan ore that you have to get you can't mine anywhere else but at the target area, so those missions are worthless to do and you end up failing them.  Combat missions are problematic too because when you get to the area there are already people in much bigger bot's farming the NPC robots.  It takes forever to get lucky and get a hit in to claim a NPC because it takes so long for my target lock to cycle in and during those times someone else nails it.  I try to get target lock on several, but the people who have already been here in PO awhile have the skills already to lock whatever they want.  So, *sigh* combat missions are a pain.  So to with the scan ones for the same reasons.  NPC hunting is in season it appears.  The only missions that seem to give return are courier missions.

c) Mining.  In mining you travel hither and yon to try to find titan ore doing area searches.  Takes a long time to find a spot and there's no visual clues or terrain clues to indicate better places than others.   I mean, you see the plants.  But finding ore deposits are hit and miss.   And then the time sitting there watching the red beam is ... well.. boring.   Again, I figure that perhaps if I just keep plugging away I figure out some tricks to it but starting out, well, I hope I don't have to do this to get ahead. :D

d)  Manufacturing and the Market.   Well, I really wish they had a tutorial on this because I don't understand the steps of making things like ammo and the like.  I plan to explore this out more, but learning about it is hit and miss because at least in game there's no pattern to follow that I can find.   I hit the HELP chat a lot and listen to what others share.  I figure I'll ask the right questions eventually!

e) Making money.  Slllloooooooowwwww. :mad: It will be a very very long time till I get money enough to upgrade my robots.  Again, I figure that this is because I don't know the ropes yet and there has to be ways to actively get ahead that I'm currently unaware off.

Overall, I feel like I'm climbing a small mountain trying to learn how PO works but it has promise.  The frustrating aspects of the game are high and it's very unforgiving to new players but I'm still optimistic about it.   Time will tell if this will work for me, I do want to get into it.   I've been taking notes about my newbie experiences and perhaps will write something up for other newbies to profit from in the future.  Just my 2 NIC... ;)


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Took the plunge and jumped from trial to subscription.   And it feels great!  Loved Eve and lots invested there but honestly it feels good to put down roots here.  I know I'm still in the honeymoon time with the game and still lots to learn about it, but I like the SciFi setting here better than Eve.   It's very much like a Mechwarrior game MMO.  Wonder if they'll have a Titan robot? big_smile