(18 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Thanks a lot for that, will update accordingly.


(18 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Annihilator: You were absolutely right about the NPC types, they were all messed up. Has been corrected now though. Thanks for the headsup !!


(18 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Annihilator: True it does not sound right at all.


(18 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Neoxx: Haha more glow to the people!.... i might have went a bit over the edge on that yeah.

Annihilator: I've tried to do that, think most of the types are on the same horizontal line that they should be. Some of the bullets don't have the same characteristics as the other ammo types and some deviations on the missiles as well. Still i think it's pretty clear that the ones that has equal damage type (not looking at their primary damage type) is on the same lines.


(18 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Thanks alot, finished a bit more of it now and corrected some damage values that was incorrect. Added some graphics from the Perp website into the headers on Segretos request and added the NPC types and medium ammo types.


(18 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Posted by Neoxx

Lots of unused space, but the style looks nice so far.  Id suggest ridding the dead space in the resist graphs and putting the title on the left.

Maybe display the damage amounts in graph style to show relatives, as base numbers aren't that important.

Are you planning more than damage related things?  Sensor strengths and detection/masking by bot class?

Thanks for the pointers, yes there is alot of unused space, im gonna try to move the title to the left and see how it looks, might mess with the aesthetics though. I know im ridicoulous.
Might also try expanding the graphs further to make them longer and more clear.

The next section i don't quite get what you mean but graphs is always nice so please explain a bit clearer if you have the time.

When it comes to the bots there will be more info than on the bullets. Not all of it though because then the page will become miles long. What would you yourself want to see there/think is important info-wise?

And again thanks for the cc.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi there, was a bit bored and feeling "Photoshopy".
I know there already are similar charts available but i thought hey why not make one that looks good.

It is not yet finished but i will finish in the next couple of days, just started and now i have to go to bed.
It will incorporate the Race NPC resists damage types and ammo types and their damages ammo stats and eventually the bots.
Hope someone will find it useful.

Cheers !


I noticed it turned out a bit small font-wise, so it's not for those with bad eyesight smile


(18 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Hi there, was a bit bored and feeling "Photoshopy".
I know there already are similar charts available but i thought hey why not make one that looks good.

It is not yet finished but i will finish in the next couple of days, just started and now i have to go to bed.
It will incorporate the Race NPC resists damage types and ammo types and their damages ammo stats and eventually the bots.
Hope someone will find it useful.

Cheers !


I noticed it turned out a bit small font-wise, so it's not for those with bad eyesight smile