(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

Not sure what the poster above is trying to say, but I'm sure he's being helpful.

I see a -lot- of tanking gear/items, I'm pretty sure they meant for this to be a viable setup, so unless its there for cosmetic use. That doesn't mean one bang ones head against the wall in an attempt to make what doesn't work functional..

I'm just saying, PVE setups and combat is horrible at the moment, it's way to hard, its too risky , and the rewards are ***.

Is this really good for the player base. Also, I do squad up for npc hunts...


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siff wrote:
Strongbad wrote:

I think its too late for me, the changes look interesting, but I've just run one too many lvl 1 mission, lost one too many bot on a spawn that chases, slows, jams and totally annihilate you when all you did was to just nozy around a bit outside the starter npc's.

It sounds like you've already made your decision to leave and you're only here to complain, which is fine, but you should recognize that people have given you more than enough information to completely resolve your problem with the PvE difficulty, and if you don't want to take their advice you shouldn't expect your complaints to be validated.

That being said, obviously this game isn't for everyone, and if you are looking for a game where you can just mindlessly solo progressively more difficult PvE content until end-game, there are tons of games out there for you, they're called themeparks. We all understand that this type of game isn't for everyone, but there are plenty of people who enjoy the level of difficulty and the fact that cooperative teamwork is encouraged.

Problem isn't the challenge, the problem is that it doesn't have a gradual curve, its just starter tutorial bots and then it just gets brutal. I have seen some posts here that would help they say, but I don't see any setups that would satisfactory solve any situation.


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think there are a few setups that people mentioned that may help, sadly there is no setup/gearing section in the forum, thus newbies have no place to get this info.

In addition I am still questioning why the spawns outside near/alpha center are so incredible dangerous, there is no policy or thought put into their placement. You cannot have people run 1 km out of Asinic to find L3 assault bots annihilating you.
I still believe that tanking setups are the best for new players, knife fighting setups are dangerous ,you can easily run into other mobs / roamers and terrain such a big issue at times, you may be unable to fire at a distance in some cases.

Like in the case of the EWAR, wrong place can leave you dead no matter what you do. This is just unacceptable for a starter zone. Particularly when the reward is what..nothing?

Until they fix this,  they will have serious problems keeping players.


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

My artemis was fitted with 4 medium autocannons, coupled with 1 signal booster, 2 firearms damage booster, 1 armour repair booster in high, and 1 med repair 2 acc boosters and plate in low.
I'm planning a 3rd acc, or a stab, but I lack the skills and each stab costs 1,2 million which is a fortune for combat pilot.

I tried the Baphomet, but upgraded to the Artemis when I could not tank anything. I know some of you guys say tank is not the right way, hit LWF and such, but thats a really risky setup that lands you dead the second you hit a EW spawn.


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've done what research I can on forums and other places like Wiki, there is very little, I in the end relied on a medium armor repairer with acc chargers...

It wasn't pretty ,but it kept me alive, I'd like to see you do better...


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think its too late for me, the changes look interesting, but I've just run one too many lvl 1 mission, lost one too many bot on a spawn that chases, slows, jams and totally annihilate you when all you did was to just nozy around a bit outside the starter npc's.

Worst part is that compared to the risk I've taken I got nothing really to show for, I only earn back money for a new bot by doing transport missions.


(159 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've been doing PVE scout/combat/hunting for a good time now. I find it curious that this part is so critically bad in this game.

Upgrading myself from my lowly bot towards my new Artemis now I find I still can't deal with anything the mobs throw at me, you get torn apart by mobs just outside the starter Alpha zones...

Take 1 teleport trip to say Hakkabor or Matso Shodan and you run into a pack of 3-5 assaults or lights and you are dead, its worse if you hit EW.

I don't mind this being the state of affair on difficult places, but after over a month of playing LVL 1 missions can't be the ONLY thing you offer for those who are geared towards combat.

It doesn't help that fitting your mech really makes little difference, you are unable to take fire or if you got the wrong guns, you can get massacred/slowed/target jammed and murdered faster than you can blink with no ability to tank or defend.

In the end, it just becomes boring, you can't expect your subscribers to play LVL 1 missions for months on end...

I guess if you are going to ignore PVE crowd at all, then its fair game, but then I will take my money and leave.

To quickly sum it up, make components MATTER in the Mech, make sure the challenge we face has at least SOME reward/risk ratio, avoid insta  death zones in the STARTER island...seriously this should be really the basics of MMO these days.

Thank you.