I suppose wine on Ubuntu has the same structure of directory like Debian.
Try this.
Change name /home/user/.wine to /home/user/.wine2
Run wineboot
Create on the new /home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Perpetuum/
and copy the game files inside.
Reinstall d3dx9 with winetricks.
And try to run into a terminal "wine Perpetuum.exe".
If dont run, you can see errors on the terminal.

Is a wine system flush to see if perpetuum works. I have encountered a lot of problems between a lot of installs on same system.
To restore your previous install move .wine and restore .wine2 to .wine

PD: Sorry, my english sux, I know lol

Debian squeeze x64
Latest ATI drivers
wine 1.1.42 (official winehq repository to debian)

Need to install d3dx9 with winetricks
And only run "wine Perpetuum.exe" on install directory.

Works fine for me