-Yes, it is in game but was not in the 'keyboard' commands as usual. Thank you to those in game that were nice in answering my questions yesterday.


-Adding this to my list of must-reads as the proverbial 'noob' in these parts.

Now if i can just figure out how to fire these cannons...


-Nicely done. You have inspired me...

Metal, made for man
We are Perpetuum Bound
My life, for her purpose.

Have a good pre-launch-launch day folks.


-Howdy all. Brand new to the game today, heard about the fun a friend had in beta and wanted to try it out. I would like to make a request, though, to have an option on the camera angle.

I don't like having to use both hands on separate keyboard commands to turn my body and my viewpoint in game i.e. turn left and adjust camera angle to turn left as well. Other games have allowed for the locking of the camera angle behind the head as an option, i would like to see that option added in the future so those that prefer that method of game interaction have it available.

Thank you.
