(16 replies, posted in Open discussion)

CCP claims that at least 60 of them have already been sold... No telling if it was dont by actual players or by the Devs themselves to create false numbers, but all in all, that is 240 months of Game Time Cards that CCP has pocketed the cash and giggled.

The current claim is that "Fearless" is supposedly an internal newsletter intended to generate conversation internally, sometimes heated debate and so on. I say, if this is true... PUBLISH the whole history of the newsletter and allow the people paying their salaries to see what they are up to.

CCP can claim any string of crap they want to spin the situation, but the proof is in the coverup, deflection, and complete refusal to actually address the topic.

CCP Pann specifically titled the threadnaught that is currently pushing its way to 300 pages "An Overdue Apology and Request for Parlay".... Neither of which has been extended in any single post or reply by a single CCP employee.

They want to fix the situation... remove the Incarna expansion from service, complete it without the MACROtransaction NEX, and pray that some of us really werent kidding when we hit that button to remove our reocurring billing and credit card information.

Without that... they had better have one hell of a Bankruptcy Attourney, an "oops we *** up clause" in the production contract for DUST514 and WoD, and a resumee that includes a lot of history before CCP.