(9 replies, posted in Balancing)

Doek wrote:

expand the selection of NPC buy/sell orders to aforementioned commodities, with prices of factional items varying among the islands (driving trade). This wouldn't be the first sandbox economy kick started using this method...

So much this. Make it happen guys, I know you can do it.


(9 replies, posted in Bugs)

Burial wrote:

How to fix the client after screen is black without deleting it?

Amduscas wrote:

I fixed it by launching the client in safe mode.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs)

Are...you being serious? I feel like you're being serious. So, thanks for trying to help, I guess. Take another look at the screenshots.

In the first it is showing that I've killed 2 Patrician Gallowglass, and 2 Patrician Legionary. In the second screenshot, the screenshot of the bugged daily, it shows I have only killed 1 of each.

I'm confused as to why you're even bringing up the area. The assignment that required I first go to an area was completed, it's the daily that is bugged.

A new UI engine sounds amazing, but it sounds like a long term goal. Are you telling me that, in the short term, it is difficult to make the current engine support windows locking in place and/or snapping to distance? I have little programming experience, but I just can't imagine that being hard to implement.

I would really like to see some simple little UI features, such as windows that will lock in place, and snap to distance.

Also, I've not had a problem with this myself, but just a couple days ago a guy was complaining in general chat that the font was too small for him to read, and so he had to play at an extremely small resolution.
I know there is an option you can tick to use larger font where available, but I think this is something that is going to need to be addressed when you're dealing with more people that have particular needs.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs)

Just thought I would point this out.



As you can see by the expiration time of the assignments, I took both assignments at the same time. For whatever reason half of the kills I got were not counting toward the daily.


(9 replies, posted in Bugs)

I fixed it by launching the client in safe mode. However, if I try to run it in borderless again, the same black screen problem occurs. I'll just stick to fullscreen.


(9 replies, posted in Bugs)

I was in game, tried to switch from Fullscreen to Borderless, and now my screen is black. As soon as I launch the game now, all I see is a black screen. The game is running, there is sound, I can alt+F4 out just fine, but the screen is black.

I'm not reinstalling it just to fix this and lose all of my UI settings. If someone can point me to a config file where I can manually set it back to fullscreen that would be great.