(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Just started yesterday, the game has great potential =]

My first impressions doing the tutorial was great except for the speed - from what I've read this isn't a new topic.

Possible solutions - Some kind of not-in-combat use boooster (turbo, antigrav, booster rockets) that you could train to use.  This would function as a mount as in WOW etc, or Afterburner / Microwarpdrive as in EVE. 

Also, one thing that would, in my opinion, should be in the game is the availability to 'jump' or 'fall' down steeper areas rather than artificially elongating the game just to get to a mission waypoint.

The game is meant to be fun right?  Taking 10 minutes to walk oh so slowly to your destination just to  pop a bad guy then 10 minutes walk back is just way too painful...  No fun.