(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm not going to lie I haven't played much at all since the last indy patch and login to gain ep and wait for something big to change.
  Something big looks like it changed but by the looks of it this is more on par with the rest of the "balance" patches that screw more people then it "balances".

So what I'm asking is...is it worth coming back or should I retain my "login ep gain log out"?


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

MrCeeJ wrote:

If the AI is too hard for you / not enough cost-benefit / your old support bot tactics are not working for you, perhaps you should try some new ones. I know you love to deride TOG but for all it's alpha qualities at least we have adapted to the new AI. Different locations, different fits, easier kills.

Your scarab QQ is awesome. Perhaps it was an interesting choice that the first Glider to be produced was a Heavy but it is not their fault that you don't have the imagination to imagine what will be available in the future 1-4 and 6-10 control slots. If you had been paying attention to the Devs you would already have a good idea.

I understand you lost 3 mechs this morning, but still that is no reason to make such a random ranting post and then claim that it is the community aka you that make this game. They make the game, we play the game, the distinction should be pretty clear.

I think the title of the thread is probably the most apt part.

1st off i have yet to make any public "deride" of tog other then the FACT they are not pvpers which is true and by no means a "deride". I on the other hand have been trolled and smack talked by tog in gen and mails to my CEO's about false claims ....I'm not the only toggie that left get over it i am.

as for QQ of the glider bots. the way they added the bot and the way the bot is was more for the point of what i meant not so much the wasted 5 lvls that was meant to be a side note more or less.

And as for the bots lost LOL? really? you and I both know 3 mechs is not alot to me as I was one of the main production leads in TOG when i was there.

No where in my post do I cry about bot's lost and no where do I say TOG or any other corp name for that matter. So your valid points have been answered and your trolls where seen feel better?

Edit:and you are right I should have said "its the Community that makes it what it is" and not "its the Community that makes it"


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Atticus wrote:

First, and I speak for everyone when I say:

Shut the *** up!

Please don't present your particular view as that of the entire game population.  You have you opinion, fine, this is the interent, fine post it, but don't come across as the know it all on the game and its state.  You might actually get people to hear your point rather than dismiss you like I am doing.

And promoting this thread in game? you are just trying to lobby your point of view.  If it was good, other people will promote it.

No posting in-game was to get other's to read and post like you. Weather I like what you have to say or not I want to see what the other half of the game pop I dont talk to have to say cause most if not all the people I talk to in corp out of corp/allaince in one form or another share concerns for the games state of affairs if you do not thats fine and i commend you for it.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

What the hell is going on Dev's. Crappy updates, DDOS attacks, Content? (as if the standard gambit of issues wasn't bad enough).

   You guys are adding crappy content (most of it broken) the rest of it is so easy for the general pop to abuse or exploit.

  Improved AI? More like God mode for NPC's. There are spawns out there that use to be soloed and now you lose to many support bots to make it worth it. Yes yes group play is great and all but with splits off loot and Plasma its not even worth it with the amount of people you need anymore to farm say a 4th star mech spawn.
Its cool they don't shoot holes in wall's anymore but the ECM/EW could be toned down just a bit. A gropho or mesmer with a full head of ECCM's gets jammed almost the same as w/o. Why can they be hit or miss to our jams yet they jam us 24/7 no matter the fit? Not to mention Half the NPC's have more fits on a bot then its possible? (ECM/Nuet/Demob/Guns on one assualt npc?)

Walls? really?...... who gives a *** about walls. How about fix the game mechanics that don't work or are so far off any kind of balance its ***. (shields, ECM/ECCM.....Etc.).

Lets not talk about a bot path with one bot you have to spend 5 lvls in to pilot. not to mention its CPU/Accum lvls and fit capability's are worthless. Yea it holds alot and if I fart when I am driving it my console takes a smoke break and I die at 41 kph. I soloed two of them from a roamer spawn on Alsbale in a Cam with one small auto T3. Didnt even bother with or kill the other bots.

How about some answers to our questions about whats going to be done about the game pop and PR.

Here's a clue to the dev's. This may be a game "you" started or came up with but at the end of the day its the Community that makes it....it's a sandbox you keep screwing with and making changes no one asked for or wants.
  You nerf or change trivial things (recycling. I mean who said "ohh ohh its op nerf it nerf it." bad enough the skill is now viewed as worthless at best or a complete waste of EP ). Add pointless content (+1% sparks?,walls?, detector beacon's ?).

    I have played since a few weeks after launch and still play but at this point I cant even login so the likely hood of me and many other's staying is slim. Alot of the game pop is leaving by the droves and with the current game mechanics and Community its about as good as dead unless changes are made.

     This is as much to blame to the devs as it is Us (the gamers). Put your epeens away for 5 mins and help the game. kill mails are broke and btw can be edited before they are posted so I'm pretty sure alot of them are fake anyway.

All that being said how about we get the game updates to fix bugs and balance. Worry less over new content and more about content that don't work or is broken. and for the love of god MOVE THE SERVERS. A crappy server = death to any mmo good or bad especially one where you stand to permanently lose assets.

At the end of the day This will be trolled to high heaven about QQ more, Can i have your stuff? or some other lame troll. W/e I felt this stuff needed to be said.

so no you cant have my stuff I'm still here. No this is not a "emo I lost all my stuffs from blobs (I do die alot to blobs in pvp but its just pixels). take what you will from it or not but I said my peace. and from 22 years playing/testing and working on mmo's and game's. This is a Great game going down the wrong path and its not just me saying it.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's sad I even have to write this

  -2 accounts GL have fun with whats left cause it wont be long in its current form.

   To the GM/Devs better get your heads out of your !@# this is a great game and your letting it die.

   P.S. to all the trolls and people that say "dont let the door hit you" well keep it up cause pretty soon there wont be a door or a game

    no you cant have my stuff so dont ask.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Most of the features you list are player-made content. Anti-blob mechanics are a nice addition, and I can't discuss robot's rol in depth since the trial version was very limited and I already uninstalled the game.

Like someone else said, this game needs to look for its own identity. Copying EVE may benefit them in a lot of aspects, but they need to realize that some of EVE's features don't work in a ground-combat based MMO.

I really wish that PO succeed. We need more sandboxes out there. I'd love to come here in a year and see that PO has become a great game with its own identity and background story yarr

But first, they need to polish their un-responssive overview and other UI elements and visuals.

Player made? more like CCP made and they let players run with whats considered "game mechanics"

as for identity most mmo's are "clone's" in one way or another. I could sit here and list game after game after game of "Clones" to this and many other mmo's those that played this game for more then 5 mins and didnt uninstalled Saw a potential and we are sticking with it. Being a eve vet myself I can tell you Eve Looked like utter crap at release and took time (A lot og time) to get it up to snuff. and as for this vs eve clone well ever play X1/X3 games or some of the other Space games. Guess what alot of eve "features" were cloned too. I will agree with another poster the fact you had a "EVE" mind when you started the trial hurt you more than anything.


(386 replies, posted in News and information)



(33 replies, posted in General discussion)

Agreed on the solo content its very very lacking also mission very low standings for work done on most of them.... Also (and this is my issue not the games) being part of a mostly AU corp and also seeing a good part of the player base on EU/AU timezones I'm pretty bored most days.....Not to mention where as I see the point in Roaming mobs etc. Tone it down a bit on alpha getting pretty old....another one.. when some !@#$% (filling that in with bad stuff) pops a Observer spawn and don't kill it and runs away after they get there loot ......Then it roams around for hours and kills helpless nubs .....consider a shorter despawn ? just my opinion