(0 replies, posted in Selling Items)

Taking offers on a Gropho Mk2 CT 25% send me a mail or tell in game... or of course post in this thread.

Niani assault robot CPU cortex - 440k

Niani heavy mech CPU cortex - sold

Observer Heavy Kernel - sold
Observer Assault Kernels - sold

-send me a mail or a tell in game and maybe we can talk prices.


(31 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Had it happen to me last night about 8:30 Pm CST. Was out to the East in New Virginia and it happened while I was moving to a scan point. 5 seconds after I noticed that I had the N/A thing I received the death message for when you have no bot. I wasn't able to use any of the functions during the N/A period and I was forced to restart the game client and once I did I regained control. Lost my first assault and gained my first death to this lol guess my bot kept moving straight and ran into a pack of mobs. *sigh* oh well time to redo the tutorial in order to at least get the starter light bot so I can start earning cash for a new bot.  - I hope the specifics of what happened will help in some way.