Bump.  On a new install of linux (ubuntu 10.10 amd64) using Crossover full version and still having this issue.

Can I please get some level of dev/tech-support input on this?

Slight bump/update.  Got windows going on the same hardware, issue is gone.  Tried dropping all graphics settings to minimum except resolution (screen is native 1920x1080) and the problem greatly diminished (although it did still happen from time to time while panning/zooming the map, or the assignment map or the radar map)

Going to try reinstalling the client in regular wine instead of crossover when I get linux back on the system.

The map window is pretty much entirely unusable on the client running in linux (via crossover trial app that the perpetuum site recommended on Ubuntu 10.10, gnome desktop, nVidia GTS 250 with proprietary driver package installed) 

Sometimes I can bring the map up for a few seconds before the crash, other times it crashes on loading the window.  happens in terminal or in world, whether I have any other windows open or not.

Any recommendations, would deleting the gbf file work here?