(23 replies, posted in Q & A)

DEV Calvin wrote:

We are getting ready to introduce a 15 day free trial. We can not hand out 5-600k NIC in the tutorial mission because everyone would be farming them. There was also a huge gap in progression if you lost your light bot you received when completing the tutorial mission.

The start was however not easy, as if lost your light bot, you were left with a very hard task to complete with an Arkhe. The new missions we have introduced are designed to get from an Arkhe into a light bot.

If it is a problem that people will sell the free bots then make it impossible to sell them or transfer them to other acounts.
If you lose your free light bot during some mission, then it is just too bad. If new players tend to do this then put a section in the tutorial where it states that running away from a defeat is OK. Live to fight another day...

I really hope we will see the artillery soon.
It would be nice if you could target an area more precise if you cooperate with a spotter or if you use a very powerful search radar. Using a powerful radar should make it possible for bots in the area to spot you using a passive scanner. Using a spotter in combination with some kind of NEXUS module would make it possible to lay down artillery fire without turning on a powerful search radar.

another thing that would be nice is to make it possible to have assault robots fire artillery. Imagine firing off a couple of rounds and then quickly changing position to avoid getting hammered right back. Or maybe dedicated artillery bots with high speed and low armor.
Maybe a heavier piece could be deployed by a team of smaller bots?

just my thoughts