Topic: Site Fastest It's Ever Been - New Host?

Rock Paper Shotgun is beating the drum again, and have a number of people interested in trying PO. I just came to the site to check the status since someone said that they couldn't get it to load, and WOW, it's responding super fast. I hope the server is just as healthy tonight.  So, the question is, did we get a new host or a fatter pipe, or what? big_smile

Re: Site Fastest It's Ever Been - New Host?

Its a secret! But one of those good ones, not like the crying game.

Re: Site Fastest It's Ever Been - New Host?

If we told you what had changed we'd have to put you on a federal watch list.

Other than that, it does seem a lot faster.

Re: Site Fastest It's Ever Been - New Host?

Or kick you out of the USA for tweeting about digging up marylin monroe