Jita wrote:Rolafen you don't know what you are talking about. Two people doing missions solo make more money than two doing them together in a squad. Thsi is the same for three, four and onwards. That is even before tokens where there is zero increase in squad missions.
That's stupid and needs changing.
As much as i'd love to get more tokens per assignment, giving the 'squad mates' tokens is just silly. How many people have alts that just do NOTHING? Oh? Just a few? Like almost everyone on the server ...
Now that we have that cleared ... here is the problem you people refuse to face :
With 'squad mates' getting tokens, you will just flood the market or your storage with tokens just to buy that 'next best thing' ... as usual. Oh? You want more beacons? Well here is 50k tokens for that level 6 assignment! go get em!
Come on guys. It needs to be balanced, but not like that. If they did that they'd have to cut the amount of beacons down for solo assignments in accordance with the change.
I can effectively grind a whole level (as much as a grind it really is) by simply just sticking to the assignments for a day. When i say that, I literally mean being at the pc grinding away from 4 to 5 in one sitting, 5 to 6 in another and typically 6 to almost 7 in another. They aren't hard. They are just ... mind numbing.
I will say, the pay on some of the level 6's is quite pathetic with the extensions at 10 ...
They were pathetic in EvE, WoW and every other game i've ever played. In what game have missions, quests, assignments or tasks ever been enjoyable?
Ever played Tabula Rasa? The npc's would take over the bases ... it was an ingenious idea. Loved it! Maybe we need npc's to hit saps and such ...