Mroq wrote:A single 400k ep player can max out all assault bot skills
boo hoo
Now I got the maxed arbalest basic skills. But You, veteran plaer, would put more skills in before venturing out would You not?
So for a new player to avoid waiting and get the full-single-bot-fit pvp potential he needs 294.000 more than he is getting. This looks like a job for 2 more DLC's similar in size to the previous.
Or would you rather refuse this sort of activity for newcomers?
You dont need to max any of the skillsffs, to be competitive or ever successful what does that 1% extra damage help you in most cases not much at all, I would say a bottom line competitive fit for an assault would be basic 10 racial 6-8, 5 hi tech, 5 combat for robot control
Then you look at gunnery depending on the weapons/race you went. If you went lasers ofc fall off/rapid firing/crit/ general firing are all important important. But what does a magnadart arb need falloff for? you get 20 more meters of *** damage. What would a Wasp need falloff or precision for.
Electronics and Eng, 4 big ones are data processing/Energy man/Accu expans/reactpr expans. I would personaly bump the first 3 up to 10 and put reactor expan at 8 then look at my fit unless your going so crazy fit reactor on an assault isnt an issue more cpu. After seeing what my fit will need I then look at the Optimized/ Improved /Economical skills
With my remaining EP I would Slap in Long distance eletronic warfare to 8-10 and Demob to 8-10 (pre-req jamming lol). I would do this as most of your kills as an assault with a fleet will either be killing of enemy light ewar or demobbing the enemy mech ewar.
Now you will likely have some EP left over. Depending on your play style you could go for masking, ewar skills, finish off some gunnery, a nexus skill like speed, or even start working on mech skills. The key here is you got 90 of the base fitting skills out of the way. You will be very effective against Lights assaults and even Mechs and Hmechs if you fit right and play your strategy right.
Participate, Congratulate cause everything else will be seen as HATE.
Max yellow max all skills lvl 10 min max for the win