Topic: Robot Balancing
Hello fellow Niani's all 9 of you in general chat. Today we are going to look at the extreme mismatch of heavy mk2 robots. The following post is to talk about WHY Seth's online is happening with example links filled full of helpful information. Let's begin:
Mesmer MK2: Basic no mod Stock L10 extension player.
Ville's comments:
The reason I put the Mesmer's bonuses next to a basic weapon tuner is to show that 1 weapon turn is about the equivalence of a L7 | L8 skill player. Meaning Veteran players are the equivalence of 1 tuner. For the balancing idea to bring new players to the same competition as veteran players in damage/skills it is a great idea. The problem starts with the difference in Head slots/leg slots in robots. This idea ONLY WORKS IF THE SAME HEAD SLOTS AND LEG SLOTS EXIST IN EVERY ROBOT IN IT'S TIER.
A fully tuner stacked Mesmer MK2 with gauss guns has the potential to produce the following stats:
Damage %: 844.15%
Cycle Time: 3.52
Crit Chance: 25%
I come to a Seth MK2, no mods basic L10 extension player.
A fully tuner stacked Seth MK2 with GAUSS guns has the potential to produce the following stats:
Damage%: 842.64%
Cycle Time: 3.58
Crit Chance: 38%
So the comparison between the two is Damage increase on a Mesmer by 1.51 % and .06 sec cycle time. But you gain 13% chance to crit on a Seth!
To put that into comparison it's MORE that a L6 extension at L10 So is it worth it? The answer is yes. the 13% more crit you gain versus .06 sec cycle and 1.51%, which is easily negated by ANY starting DPS spark
Here's All three beside one another:
Pretty typical stuff across the board. It makes we always wonder why the gropho got a Locking Time bonus. That should have been an optimal range bonus instead. Gropho's have 1 Less leg slot then it's other counter parts. It suffers drastically because of that one missing leg slot, meaning it has less tank or survivability. So for an FC seeing a gropho on the front lines makes it a dead gropho. The status quo is kite and shield fit meaning micromanaging the shield with your shots. Since your shield survives solely on your recharge rate of accumulator it already gets gimped with 1 less slot. It's best to stay in the back. If AC really wished to bring some balance to the force the gropho should get some love. The Base locking range of a gropho should be 575 Meters. It should OUT range the Seth at 555 M and the Mesmer MK2 needs to go to 510 M(old gropho distance)[The reasoning behind this is to allow Mesmer MK2 pilots the ability to participate in gamma sieges]. While changing the locking time bonus to an optimal range bonus.
For comparison:
Through the testing with the 13% Crit, there is no other reason a Mesmer MK2 should be fielded. Is this the game you want to play AC? Where only 1 robot is constantly used because it is the best at everything?
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.