Topic: Unproduced market injections
Some of the stuff is buyable from NPCs with infinite supply at a given fixed price level. I guess the point is to shield on having extreme scarcitites on some of the things that just need to be available for starting players to get started. However I think this might be done to a kind of extreme degree.
There is a nice mechanic where it can make sense to reverse engineer and have the same good be player produced. This works by the production price being significantly lower than the direct NIC price. However there are some goods where production based option is not avialble and the direct NIC option is the only one. Some of there goods could receive a change where their direct NIC cost would be raised and a production path for them introduced.
Aslo for example artifact charges and mining charges are so cheap that their price is a just a formality. It can go to the extreme that one wonder what would be the difference if miners or scanners just didn't use charges? I can guess there is a minor point in that they still take signifcant U which can be considerable when compared to non-industiral bot cargo holds. However making them economically relevant should be on the cards. Mining charges are a good that seems would have almost guaranteed organic demand.
Also whereas several goods are optainable for cheap global price they are also available very conveniently. Even if a good needs a fixed very low price ceiling that need could still be served by providing it at that price in a single publically enterable terminal. One could boost distirbution and logistics by a) cutting stuff from autosupply on betas b) taking autosupply away from either alpha1 or alpha2 (maybe not both) c) have the same good be at different infinite supplies at different outposts. With optikon C even if there is no organic production of thew item there would still be organic logistics of the item without the game breaking down if the organic logistics would fail to emerge. There is already a precent case for different infinite demands.
Also in a similar game I have seen where NPCs sell a good cheaper in one location than they buy it at another location. In a way these form a kind of implicit transport mission. In order to promote logsitics being part of the game one could have a clockwise and anticlockwise good price gradient in alpha2s. Terminals would autopost a supply order of certain volume per time elapsed to the market which would just accumulate at a price floor. There would be a corresponding infinite demand buy order or similar periodic buyings of lowest bidder. Thus even in the absense of demand for basic game utilities there would be someone circulating goods between the alpha2s. If too many transporters would be up to the task they can compete the price lower but then it would be easier for player entered private transport missions to look good compared to the NPC provided mechanic.