Re: Beacon disable
i wish 200 active people were playing this game.
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i wish 200 active people were playing this game.
i wish 200 active people were playing this game.
you just need to actively recruit all those new player joining every day, and provide them with content. Its your role as corp-leader to provide them with entertaining content
quote from ville or so... can't remember, he is preaching that every few month on the forums.
That's my problem Anni! What active content can I provide at this point? There's no one willing to go toe to toe with who don't disappear after losing 1 battle.
But on the flip side of the coin, you guys have a ton of content with beta Pvp and such. I've recruited 10 new players in a month. Mostly alpha side stuff but there's no content in my Timezone everyone is afraid of us time zone. With good reason but still..
Well he's right if 200 vs 200 wars popped up we'd be in trouble if we sustained loses every day. But the likeliness that it will happen is slim.
No, he isn't correct in the slightest.
Our production runs off of man power, more man power, more production.
This is akin to stating, well if i deleted 20 bots a day I would be in trouble. No ***.
The scaling of in usage exploits scales, really really fast.
DEV Zoom wrote:Illiathos wrote:That was done only to keep the mobs from moving around.
And by that you gained serious advantages because conveniently all your support bots were able to hide behind terrain, out of LoS of the NPCs.
Why are you spiting *** zoom you know damn well when an NPC gets aggro on something and doesn't have LOS it teleports. So even if his support bots were out of sight once he pulled hate they'd teleport to him. The only "Advantage" you get by putting a beacon on a slope on alpha is the fact that they don't move around so much.
So Zoom no response to this or are you just spitting off foul remarks to make my boy look bad? OOOOH WAIT maybe you would know you're full of it if you actually played your own game. Instead of testing why not play your own game?
Don't ignore the comment all it does is make you ignorant.
Zoom the above *** is why you stay above all of this, it will always be spun in such a way that all of the hands are clean but yours.
This guy is attempting to defend a exploit usage, while attacking, great way to save face...
That's my problem Anni! What active content can I provide at this point? There's no one willing to go toe to toe with who don't disappear after losing 1 battle.
yeah, i know what you mean... that young corp running around with only mk2 stuff... they can't handle losses well, since they are Not So Eequally trained in PvP as your force
So Mr. Perpetuum what exploit was using doing beacons on alpha?
Zoom the above *** is why you stay above all of this, it will always be spun in such a way that all of the hands are clean but yours.
This guy is attempting to defend a exploit usage, while attacking, great way to save face...
For the freaking last time, fighting on a slope is not exploiting the game.
I moved to berwalem for 2 reasons: 1) CHAOS kept harrassing me in Hershfield <<perfectly acceptable to zoom
2) it was close enough to hershfield to transfer the loot back without spending much time.
Now berwalem happened to be mountaneous, so what? Npcs are in mountains aswell and noone shouted exploit. Why? Cause there's nothing to exploit.
Zoom can't even bring up an explanation to the whole LoS fiasco he created. For the 3rd time, I can set up a 3 stripe beacon in flat terrain on shin and melt it without any exploits whatsoever. Problem?
It's sad really how fighting mobs on sloped terrain is an exploit, but for example cleaning one island on rhaoshan of red mobs forever is perfectly acceptable behaviour.
So Zoom no response to this or are you just spitting off foul remarks to make my boy look bad?
So you can't break LOS on alpha and keep beacons stationary to a slope. I stand by my remark. Zoom refuses to admit his mistake.
First of all, when Zoom says on the forums that you "*** up" he means it. Very rarely, as in on one hand, does he ever all people out. In this case tho he did, and probably for good reason.
Second, Zoom did not "create" this fiasco, you did by exploiting beacons.
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:And yet so many times thru all those years, on the forums Zoom supported the use of beacon pits & AOE.
Now that is BS. Why the hell did we try to stop that by introducing all the limits and mechanics if I supported that? Way to twist things Obi.
Are you saying I'm Lying?
I will not apologize for stating things how I see them, nor will I hold back from holding the DEVs responsible for past actions & statements.
If you wish to go to war with members of your own player base that's fine I'm more than happy to go back thru what has been said on this subject by you Zoom.
The DEVS have flip flopped Zoom, thats a fact most in the community can clearly see.
Not only that but you attack Illiathos for using basic game play that is core to this game & make it look like he is exploiting or miss using game mechanics??
Zoom comments like this make my blood boil. And I would & have had this reaction no matter who it was said to.....
Illiathos wrote:That was done only to keep the mobs from moving around.
And by that you gained serious advantages because conveniently all your support bots were able to hide behind terrain, out of LoS of the NPCs.
You have the audacity to talk about "gained serious advantages" when you didn't LIFT A FINGER to remove the BILLIONS of nic & millions of mods the were flooded into the game throughout all the years we had beacons?
Do not attack Illiathos for doing what every person who has ever played this game has done..... use the terrain to farm NPCs.
Second, Zoom did not "create" this fiasco, you did by exploiting beacons.
No its Zooms job to make sure that exploited items are removed from the game. The problem is the DEVs never have had the Balls to do that since Insurance fraud & Styx. Now the problem has been in the game so long & impacted the ENTIRE game it would require a full asset wipe.
That Mate is inexcusable for Developers to do or not do.
This just in, if you can get enough of the player base to exploit.
Its not considered a exploit.
I've been calling for a wipe for years to *** the pathetic market AND calling for vertical progress to get the *** market moving to counter the *** beacon disaster. Btw, people been doing beacons for years at berwalem ask Lucian Night.
That was a good one....***.........
Not shocked, just haaaaaaaaaaaaahhhha!
This just in, if you can get enough of the player base to exploit.
Its not considered a exploit.
case in point:
3 years ago there was a cargo exploit every corp in the game had 3+ members using it. DEVs banned 1 person ?
When the new ore field mechanics were put in many scanning missions became horribly broken.
Again for those these 2 issues, every corp in the game started abusing them. No one told the DEVs for at least a month or more each time.
Every person I talked to or chat log i seen at least in part said "F*** the DEVs they dont fix sh*t & dont give us what we need".
At the same time as these happened (or there about) Beacon pits were kicking off. I could go on but I think the trend is clear enough.
Perpetuum wrote:This just in, if you can get enough of the player base to exploit.
Its not considered a exploit.
case in point:
3 years ago there was a cargo exploit every corp in the game had 3+ members using it. DEVs banned 1 person ?When the new ore field mechanics were put in many scanning missions became horribly broken.
Again for those these 2 issues, every corp in the game started abusing them. No one told the DEVs for at least a month or more each time.
Every person I talked to or chat log i seen at least in part said "F*** the DEVs they dont fix sh*t & dont give us what we need".At the same time as these happened (or there about) Beacon pits were kicking off. I could go on but I think the trend is clear enough.
I told the Devs. Thats why it got fixed.
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:Perpetuum wrote:This just in, if you can get enough of the player base to exploit.
Its not considered a exploit.
case in point:
3 years ago there was a cargo exploit every corp in the game had 3+ members using it. DEVs banned 1 person ?When the new ore field mechanics were put in many scanning missions became horribly broken.
Again for those these 2 issues, every corp in the game started abusing them. No one told the DEVs for at least a month or more each time.
Every person I talked to or chat log i seen at least in part said "F*** the DEVs they dont fix sh*t & dont give us what we need".At the same time as these happened (or there about) Beacon pits were kicking off. I could go on but I think the trend is clear enough.
I told the Devs. Thats why it got fixed.
No you cries & cried & cried & then the DEVs nerf'd AOE... they didn't fix beacons! Only now after all these years are they actually fixing the real problem with beacons them selves.
If I were you I wouldn't want to be any where near the DEVs side of things when it comes to how they have attempted to "fix" beacons in the past.
Actually this topic was started as a question about why beacons have been disabled and you all did a better job than I could on explaining it, so thanks.
And yes it was Jita who brought my attention to the mass Sequer suicides, and I still don't know exactly what was done, but it doesn't really matter anymore.
Of course it matters. The sheer volume of stuff that has entered the game through it has massive consequences. All of gamma was built off the back of it. It has driven ICE sales. It turned Cons from a corp fielding mk1 mechs and assaults in to Mk2 heavies and ewar mechs in two weeks. It MATTERS.
The point is Zoom, you’re never going to know how these things work. The average player will abuse in silence to gain advantage – it’s the nature of MMO gamers for the most part.
With effective tracking you could spot this stuff before it gets out of hand and deal with the problem AND the individual. You don’t need screenshots or video’s, just follow the data and it will show you whats up.
It’s for this reason that I made this post in Q&A that has yet to be answered:
I think if we could see the volume of plasma getting sold it would at least give an indication of what was happening long ago.
Your only option at this stage if you ever hope to have a working economy is a wipe with robust tracking and action to prevent this mess again.
And yes it was Jita who brought my attention to the mass Sequer suicides,
When?, where?, when Remedy base at Kraslov was destroyed?.
Actually this topic was started as a question about why beacons have been disabled and you all did a better job than I could on explaining it, so thanks.
And yes it was Jita who brought my attention to the mass Sequer suicides, and I still don't know exactly what was done, but it doesn't really matter anymore.
It explains why beacons were removed from gama, it doesnt explain why beacons were removed from alpha. I too feel beacon pits are bad for the game, but normal beacons on alpha?
DEV Zoom wrote:Actually this topic was started as a question about why beacons have been disabled and you all did a better job than I could on explaining it, so thanks.
And yes it was Jita who brought my attention to the mass Sequer suicides, and I still don't know exactly what was done, but it doesn't really matter anymore.
It explains why beacons were removed from gama, it doesnt explain why beacons were removed from alpha. I too feel beacon pits are bad for the game, but normal beacons on alpha?
If a Dev watches you and says your abusing the mechanics then your abusing the mechanics.
*** deal with it already.
The new system will be soon available to see on the test server and all your existing beacons will work again, this disabled phase won't last long.
Zoom does this mean you're taking a detour from the Poll results? I understood why you were doing the facility rebalance (because it was easy and the community voted for it), but I don't understand the distress beacon rework (low on the importance chart, maybe hard work designing a whole new mechanic?).
I would like to mention that whoever wants to aquire money, can very easily use their keyboard's macro software or pretty much any of the mouse-recording programs to arrange a farming setup on Alpha for the 4-level heavy mech spawns. Much much easier and hands-off then hassling with beacons where you actually have to pay attention. It has been going on for a very very long time already.
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