Re: Breachin a base -- Chaos style
so, which of those tactics mentioned in those two topics (this and the one about using buildings to overcome TF limitations)
are unexpected?
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear
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so, which of those tactics mentioned in those two topics (this and the one about using buildings to overcome TF limitations)
are unexpected?
so, which of those tactics mentioned in those two topics (this and the one about using buildings to overcome TF limitations)
are unexpected?
Both. All the Perpetuum history - is players showing to DEVs how to use things they've made.
Being able to completely wall yourself off and have access to the best facility in game, noraligis at your leisure and only occasionally risk coming from the castle to do a couple of things is not Good Game design. The Developers stated when walls were introduced that they did not want players completely walling themselves off! The fact that a fleet was allowed to get That close to your base with a transport bot, is your problem! Maybe if you would have done a better design you would not have a Russian colony under your base with determined gamers to prove that the impenetrable shield is a myth!
i wonder if chaos are the first ones that can "take over" a complete enemy base with a commando node.
btw, it was to be expected since it was clear, that defense turrets will never shoot on hostile buildings, or TF beacons, or interference beacons, or... anything that is not a player....
*edit* accidentally hit quote instead of edit...
@Ville: I do not see anyone completely walling them selves off from the world ... every base design i have seen so far has a front door and sometimes a back door.
these doors can be used by attackers and the home team .... the entrance is meant to be used .. use it
The issue is that the attackers do not want to play the hand they are being dealt and want to try to create a "new hand" by "alternative methods"
Our assaults were all head on and have successfully defeated the opposing sides defense. some times we come to knock on the door and some times we come to blow up buildings.
I think that the bringing to light of these " alternate methods " is good there needs to be gamma wars before gamma will be able to be tested properly.
This is just the start. .. … ature=plcp
and this is breaching a base Merkle Style™.
Annihilator wrote:so, which of those tactics mentioned in those two topics (this and the one about using buildings to overcome TF limitations)
are unexpected?
Both. All the Perpetuum history - is players showing to DEVs how to use things they've made.
Yesterday we had good fight and siege.
Nebs and Stc showed awesome gameplay.
Videos is coming.
And honestly, that fight what we had last few days, 8 hour long sieges with non ending pvp, is that what you can find most entertaining in this game:
Each second something shooting somewhere: players shoot each-other, buildings, turrets shoot players, FC creating tactics on the fly, terraformers making passages, network managers managing structures and assimilating enemy bases. Each fight is unique because base and terraformed land is different and can be changed.
Its millions time better than stupid fapping around outposts. I got alot of fun.
oow i cant wait to see the vids
Yesterday was great! Only issue was the occassional drama in public channels but that's ok! You know when I was building forward turrets and shooting on another client I was so thrilled. This is gamma warfare and it is better then anything I could have image. STC and NEBS that was great fun yesterday!
Imagine what will be with artillery)
MLRS Scarabs!
Honestly I have said in the other thread the fight I participated was one of the best.
And I also acknowledged kudos to Chaos for finding a weakness in the base design and trying to get in.
@ Zoom, my suggestion is the game already has a mechanic for calculating distance between 2 tiles that are adjacent targeting another player ... height affects range ... can this game mechanic be used when deploying from a terminal?
It sounds like I missed out on a lot of fun, but Im really glad it happened, too!
So is PHM getting a base too now?
PHM is lives in Chaos's base. If it ain't broke no need fixing it. Chaos has sufficient buildings for us to do what we need and I for one welcome our Russian Overlords! \o/
ok, awesome. As long as everyone is getting the gamma goodness.
Which does beg the question, is there a gamma base built for new players? (or a corp that has a gamma base set to neutral?)
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