Syndic wrote:Because if only half of those ~20 corps in Wambulance
6 corps. 
Syndic wrote: chose an outpost and went for them fighting tooth and nail, it would obviously ruin the PVP even more as the big bad blob attacked them all at the same time with blobby odds...
When Infestation was at its strength, hardly anyone took pvp roams to Hokkagoras. A few corps tried, but no-one really put any effort into it.
It was a bit boring tbh.
Now, you can hardly make the same complaint. Novablob is the strongest alliance on the server purely in terms of fits and numbers (if not actual pvp ability) but you get roamed on a daily basis.
I think Nova should get over yourselves, log back into the game, have a look at the mechanics and come up with new fittings that work for you. Adapt, change, survive. Or go play Rift.
It's not like everything you have done over the last 10 months is a total waste.
Hey, if you all ragequit permamently, can we claim that as a victory over you? Pretty sure you would if the roles were reversed... 
As an aside, I actually think it's kind of a shame that no corps want to move out to beta, there are lots of empty outposts at the moment, but really there is nothing there to attract them except e-peen and epriton, and the latter can be ninja mined of you're organised, whereas not everyone is obsessed by the former. It's that old problem where if you give beta enough advantages, people want to move there, but the more advantages you give it the harder it is for new corps to break in.
"...playing a game is the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles."
Bernard Suits, 1978