Topic: Adding content for PVE
Is there or are you going to be adding new content (not just missions) for the PVE alpha dwellers?
We know you are working hard on improving PVP constantly but what are you currently in the process of doing for PVE? A lot of people simply do not want PVP and if something in the near future doesn't make it worth while for us Alpha people you may start to lose members over it.
* Have some Super spawns appear every day or 2 on Alphas with L2/3/4 mechs (20+) in out of the way places so it gets a lot of players involved in killing them. Obviously have a warning system in place saying for example : Western section of Daoden about to be hit (countdown timer in place) so to warn people something is coming.
* Enable the Arena on Shinjalar for PVP. Make it at least 1000m across and as soon as you enter the arena you auto-flag for PVP (with a warning of course). Anyone can enter with whatever they wish.
* 1 in 100 chance of a small Epri field spawning under and Observer stash with about 1-2 million units of epri.
Can anyone else come up with some more ideas for PVE content. (Genuine ideas please)
We just need something more to keep us interested.
Thanks in advance Dev team if you can do something more.