Topic: caves
we're supposed to be exploiting this planet, but i see no gaping holes in the crust, no de-peaked mountains, no drilling rigs and no mine shafts.
imagine a world where industry is allowed to expand without any regard for human safety or enviromental preservation. now think about Nia. any resemblance?
i would suggest the addition of subterreanian cave systems, natural or botmade. in fact, i'd even suggest that in certain circumstances, players should be allowed to create temporary "dungeons" so they can exploit to their hearts content, so long as they can fend off the native bots who for obvious reasons dislike their planet being blown up.
advantages of including dungeons:
provides minature places to section off people on different servers (lag reduction), with everyone fully able to follow them in of course.
expands the area in which people can play without creating new islands
provides a new feeling of exploration, especially if these underground areas did not come with maps preprogrammed like the overworld.
features i'd like to see in these dungeons:
exploitable ores
frequent NPC spawns
rather random strength NPCs, as in players should have a very general idea about what to expect based on how close to the starter areas it is, but each dungeon should have at least a small chance of spawning the really big ones. i personally have the most fun when i'm running for my life, dodging rockets and lasers.
the impression that you are NOT welcome here, and that the natives are activly trying to kill you.
this would at least solve one of the above problems with the eco friendly policies currently in place.